You know that I do a lot of price matching. I do a lot on dairy, meat, fruit and veggies, things I don’t often have a coupon for. Here is an example of what reader Heather at Mama’a Spot was able to do!
Just take a look at your local store ads and price match produce to save a bunch!
2 Pineapples – $.99 each
5 Cucumbers – $.19 each
1 Head of Lettuce – $.50 each
11 Oranges – $.08 each
Broccoli Crowns – $0.48/lb – three crowns $0.49
Grand Total – $3.81! Not bad for 20 items
Spic & Span Antibacterial Spray $0.97
used $1/2 Here
Final Price – $.47
Great deal on cleaner, especially antibacterial!
Reach toothbrushes $3.00
used $2/2 Here (I’m not sure if it is still available, I couldn’t find it today)
Final Price – $.50 each (I probably could have gotten these for free later, but we really needed new ones right now)
Similac Ready to use Formula – $3.84 and $5.47
I got three blue bottles that were 5.47 and one for Spit-up that was $3.84
I had three $5.00 formula checks (that you get in the mail with samples)
Bringing the $5.47 formula down to $.47
And I used the $3.00/1 Here
Bringing the $3.84 formula down to $.84
Not bad for formula.
Formula total: $2.25 for four bottles which equals about 18 feedings
Glade plug-in refill – $5.24
I had a coupon for a free one from Right At Home (not available any more) I will let you know when they have another promotion.
Scrabble Slam – $5.00
A few month back I purchased a card game and in it it had a $5.00 coupon for another card game.
Final Price – Free (always look on packages to see if there might be a coupon inside)
Nasoya Tofu – $2.50
$1.25/1 here at Mambo Sprouts.
final Price – $1.25 (my daughter really loves tofu)
Classico Sauce – $1.98
I found a high value $1/1 peelie (always be on the lookout for those great peelies)
Final Price – $.98
Grand Total – $17.89 about $.68 an item. Not too shabby!
Thanks Heather, check her out at Mama’s Spot
The Nasoya coupon might be out. I don’t see it.
Question about Walmart price matching…will they only price match stores (national chains) that are in your town? We do not have Target or Walgreens in our town for example. Besides our grocery stores, we only have CVS, Rite Aid and KMart.
Walmart will match pretty much anyone. I did these deals with an add for a very small Mexican grocery store and a few other very tiny stores that I received adds for.
They will match any LOCAL competitors ad. Sometimes they say within 10 miles. You would be able to do all your grocery stores, CVS Rite Aid and Kmart.
Forgot to add that it has to be that current weeks ad.
I SO wish we had local stores to price match to. We receive walgreens and target ads in the papers, but none within 20 miles. That would be so much more convenient. Sigh. But excellent job on the transactions! I am green with envy.
That is awesome for all that produce!!! I check my ads but don’t see any offering produce at insanely low prices like that. Good job!
I was at our Walmart tonight and they had Gala Apples for 38 cents a pound. I thought they were probably in the wrong bin…but no, I asked, and that was the price!
i cant seem to find the spic and span spray 🙁 May be NH doesn’t care it?