Krisitin from CouponingToDisney has put together a great deal on Rayovac batteries to get a FREE movie ticket to Cars2 form Disney.
Rayovac AA 10 ct batteries — $5.97
Use $1/1 printable
Total: $4.97
Plus enter the Cars 2 code to save $3 off your movie ticket
That’s like getting the batteries for $1.97 if you were planning on seeing Cars 2 anyways.
Here’s all the details on the promo:
Rayovac has partnered up with Disney to offer FREE and discount movie tickets to see Cars 2 in theaters. Here’s how to get your Hollywood Movie Money:
Purchase specialty marked packages of Rayovac batteries (you can use this $1 off coupon)
Enter the code from the package on the Rayovac/Cars website before October 31st, 2011
- 3 codes can be redeemed to see Cars 2 or any Disney/Touchstone movie
- 2 codes can be redeemed to save $6 off a Cars 2 or Disney/Touchstone movie
- 1 code can be redeemed to save $3 off a Cars 2 or any Disney/Touchstone movie
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