WOW! Fresh produce coupons are rare and right now there is one available to print. Print this $1.00/1 Florida Grapefruit Juice or Fresh Florida Grapefruit printable coupon before your next Walmart run.
Save $1 off any 59oz or larger Florida Grapefruit Juice OR $1 off any 3lb or larger bag of Florida Grapefruit
Thanks A Penny Filled Pantry.
The 5lb bags of FL Grapefruits are on weekly special for a $1.00 at my local Walmart in central Indiana (Camby, IN) .
thanks Paul..I love grapefruit! And this coupon looks like there’s no limit on prints? it ask me to right click to save it and then i printed 4 of it 🙂
Oh wow… We eat grapefruits like we drink water. Lol, amazing coupon. Also my aunt has very high blood sugar and diabetes. She starts eatting large amouts of rare grapefruits thur out the day without anything on it. Her sugar dropped a huge amout!! As a matter of fact the Dr. said it was near normal. The ONLY thing she had changed was eatting the grapefruits. So they are not only good but LIFE SAVER FOR MY AUNT.
Anybody else having trouble printing this coupon???
I saved it but it doesn’t print the wrole coupon. Could someone email it to me so I can print it…
Im having the same problem…Its to big to fit the page.
The left side of the coupon is cut off just past the 1st numbers – boo
I am not sure where I did it at but there is also a rebate for a free grapefruit knife if you buy a 59oz juice or 3lb bag. I think it might be on a different blog. Sorry I dont have more info, just be on the look out for it.