You can score Purex plus Oxi Laundry Detergent for under $1.50 with the $1.50 off Purex plus Oxi coupon available under zipcode 16214. Don’t worry about the wording on the coupon that states it is redeemable at Kmart, it’s a Manufacturers Coupon and can used at Walmart. Thanks Cuckooforcoupondeals and MoneySavingMadness
Purex Plus Oxi: $2.97
$1.50 off Purex plus Oxi (zipcode 16214 or 30303)
Total: $1.47
what is the load size on this bottle? or the $/load ratio? =) $1.47 isnt bad…just want to make sure it isnt a 10 load bottle lol thanks!
i think it was 33 load, I can’t remember
Hi Paul,
A few days ago I tried to use a printed manufacturer coupon that happened to say at the bottom, ‘Redeemable at target’. The cashier said she COULD NOT take it and they were just instructed that if it states, ‘redeemable at ….’ They were not to take it. I politely showed her it said its a manufacturer and redeemable at only means using the coupon at Target is optional. The cashier was adamant that its a new rule. EXTREMELY frustrating when Walmart, family dollar and one other local store are my only options for saving while shopping.
Have you heard of this new policy?
Thank you for all
Your hard work,
no, there is no new Policy. Walmart accepts all MFG coupons. you need to ask for a manager in that situation.
Doesnt the coupon for purex say 60 oz or larger can you use it on the 33 load which I think is 50 oz? thanks love your site!
Please please please please write when the deals you post end! Like “sale ends on ___” so I know how long I have to get the item or if im too late already, thanks
I will try to remember, that is a good idea!