You read that correctly! You can now print coupons straight from your mobile devices and save not only money but your precious time. When you are strolling through I Heart The Mart for awesome deals you don’t have to email them to yourself or log into your app you can just print it out right then and there. You will go to the coupons just like before and click the coupons you want, then hit print. It will prompt you and ask you if “this device is connected to a printer?”, when you are set up just click on yes.
I required me to put my phone number in so that it could send me a verification code. I usually hate doing that because I get enough spam in my emails I don’t need additional spam in my text messages. I haven’t received any junk texts or anything so they are right when they mentioned that they will NOT use or share your number for marketing purposes without your consent which I like. I just thought of an even better reason for this wonderful new feature, we can now print out 2 additional coupons per device! How great will that be for your budget!
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