The set of dishes above is from Pottery Barn, I have wanted this set for a while. Each piece ranges from $39 to $49 dollars.
Recently at Walmart I noticed that they have added to their home-wares collection. They have some beautiful wooden dishes and serving plates.
This same plate is $49 at Pottery Barn. I picked it up at Walmart for $6.96.
In fact, the entire table setting I did for the super bowl was from Walmart and looked pretty good.
There are so many pieces that I could pick up for the same price as 1 item at Pottery Barn. I picked up 6 pieces for $38.71 more than $10 cheaper!
Every single thing that I used on the table was from Walmart, when it was all placed on the table this is what it looked like:
- Bloomin Bread
- Cream Cheese w/ Jalapeno Jelly and Crackers
- BBQ ( brisket, sausage and pulled pork, form my VERY favorite BBQ place, goHERE to visit!)
- Pop Chips
- Homemade Pretzels
- Layered Salad
- Dessert/Better than sex cake and cupcakes
A few suggestions would be that I always put the drinks in the back, we also have a fridge on the deck with soda but the juice and other stuff I don’t want the little kids helping themselves and making a mess. I purposely make it where they have to ask for help.
Also, I love crock pots, heating plates and my chaffing dishes. This makes it so that I don’t have to be in the kitchen all day and can make everything ahead of time and leave it out so everyone can come and go as they please.
This is a VERY small get together, if it was a normal Davis or Ivanovsky party I would have the island, 2 tables and more set up. But I still like to make things special even if it is just my family!
** This post is NOT paid for by Walmart. Although they should be paying me!
Very nice table settings, looks great!
Those Wooden like Plates at Walmart are Great Looking. I want some
I want some…how is the quality of them?
Tiff says they are good. They are solid and feel like they were “pricy” and not cheap.
I would beg to differ on one point: that cannot be the “same plate” that is $49 at Pottery Barn. I’m sure the Walmart stuff is a good deal just for the fact that its wood, but you can clearly tell the difference in the products from the pictures.