Even if you don’t use coupons, you can take advantage of some deals by looking for peelies. Peelies are coupons that are attached to the product. I saw a lot of these just walking through the store. Here is just a sample of what you may find.
Buy 7th Generation Dish Soap $2.67
Use $.75 peelie
Pay $1.92
Buy 7th Generation Laundry Detergent $13.97
Use $3.00 peelie or tag
Pay $10.97
Buy 9 Lives 3.5 lb. Bag $3.58
Use $1.00 peelie
Pay $2.58
Buy Glade Jar Candle $2.33
Use $1.00 peelie
Pay $1.33
Buy Glade Carpet Deodorizer $1.98
Use $1.00 peelie
Pay $.98
i saw peelies for the cheese with the taste of philly…$1.00 off..
What a rob-job! lol My store NEVER has peelies. I have even looked over packaging carefully to see if there is perhaps a peelie snatcher in the neighborhood. And I check the fresher stock ones too. Altho, I am in a smaller town, perhaps we don’t get the same stock
Just wanted to stop by and let you know that 7th Generation has a $1/1 coupon at Target.com and you can also get a $1/1 coupon on the 7th Generation website, making the cleaners only 49cents at Target!