It’s 2014 already and I’ve come to a couple of realizations. I’m fat and this is the year that I turn 40. I don’t want to do both in 2014 and I only have a choice about one of them.
I am 5’9 and currently weigh 228 lbs, I am pretty sure that puts me in the OBESE category. The national standard for height and weight say I should weigh 155-160 lbs. I don’t have any interest in getting thin, I just want to be healthy. My goal is to get to 175-180 by March 13, 2014. The hardest part for me was getting myself to realize that I am fat, I got it now. I know this is above the recommendations for how much weight you should lose in a time period but it can’t be any worse for you than being 70 pounds over weight.
Paul’s Weight Loss Plan:
- Cut out Soda completely. Diet and regular
- No Sugar or Carbohydrates for 2 weeks
- Walk 1 mile a day for the first week (20-30 minutes)
- Jog 2 miles for the second week (20 minutes)
- Lift weights for 30 minutes 3 times per week. low weight high reps
- Get 7 hours minimum of sleep per night. I currently average between 4-5.
- Report back to you! Help keep me on track! Join Me!!!
I’m sure you have a lot of excuses just like I do but let’s forget all of those, have a little discipline, get some more sleep and shed these pounds. Make a goal and join me for my 30 day great weight rollback!!
I don’t expect you to do everything the same way I do, I just want to encourage you to be a little healthier and feel a little better. I know there are a million weight loss programs out there and If you don’t think what I am doing is best for you then do it different.
You can do it Paul!!!! My husband lost 75 pounds in 6 months and that was 4 years ago. All he did was cut back on portions, walk every day (no matter what) and drink lots of water. He feels better and looks great! And, 40 is just a number!!!!! (enjoy it, I just turned 52) Don’t deprive yourself- just cut back. It is amazing what a difference it makes!
I will be starting 30 day shred tomorrow. I am looking to get back to my pre-baby days of 135-140 so I have at least 20-30 pounds to loose right now. I am trying to get more sleep but my 2 year old still doesn’t sleep through the night so that is an impossible. And once all this snow and cold weather passes I will be taking a daily walk for 45mins to an hour a day. Good luck to you in your weight loss journey
This is awesome! I know you got this 🙂 I’m doing low carb too. Love your site.