My store has 75% off Valentines items at this point. Not much is left of any of the “good stuff”. The only chocolate that is left is the little $1 (now $.25) hearts. I was looking for the Lindsor truffles in the pink bag, I am not much of a chocolate eater, but my wife brought those home last week and they were really good.
Shopping this weekend!
If you are shopping this weekend here are some helps!
- Go HERE for printable coupons like the great ones above!
- If you want to price match CVS go HERE
- Walgreens price match ad is HERE.
- Top 10 good deals HERE
- Everything Under $1 UPDATED
I plan on price matching the UPCOMING CVS ad at Walmart so I don’t have to run all over town to a bunch of different stores.
If you find any good deals, be sure to email them to me!
Great deal on Schick Disposable Razors!
Thanks to reader Donna for this heads up!
I had 3 $1.00 off Any One Schick Disposable Razor coupons from this past Sunday’s paper insert (SS or RP not sure). Each pack (which retailed for $1.97) came with 2 bonus razors. . . so 36 razors for $2.91!
*Keep your eyes open for the smaller bags, the coupon does say ANY pack.
Free Old Hearth Bagels!
The Old Hearth bagel coupon is back. Many of you can find these in your store for $1 to $1.28 making them FREE or almost FREE! Thanks for the heads up Kristina!
SUNDAY & MONDAY ONLY! Finish for $.74!!
This deal is for SUNDAY & MONDAY only, Feb 20th & 21st.
As soon as you get your CVS ad, run over and use up your Finish coupons!! They expire MONDAY. You can get the Finish Tabs for $.74. CVS will probably not have as many in stock as Walmart will, so that is your best bet!
We actually have 20 of these coupons that we have hung onto and almost forgot about! I am seeing Finish in my future!
$2.25/1 Finish Quantum, Powerball/Gelpacs, exp. 2-21-11 (SS 01/02/11)
HUGE Deal on Purex at Walmart this weekend!
This is a heads up for a big deal this starting this weekend.
BUY SOME SUNDAY PAPERS! They will have a $3 coupon for Purex in them. Then take your CVS ad to Walmart and price match them!
**Deal IDea**
Buy Purex 20ct 3-in-1 laundry sheets for $3.99 (price match CVS)
Use $3 off 1 from the $3/1 Select Purex Products, exp. 3-19 (RP 02/20/11)
Total: $.99
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