At my store the Organics products have these hang tags around them, send in your receipt to get your money back in a rebate. My girls have this kind in their bathroom and my wife informed me she got them at CVS last fall and did the rebate then. Now it is back and at Walmart!
Coupon of the Day! Visine $2 off!
Make sure to print this coupon and take it with you the next time you go to the store. There are many places right now where you can get FREE or super cheap Visine. I looked under personal care and used 77380.
B1G1 Free Walmart Poster Coupon
I finally had a chance to check out the price of the posters at my Walmart to see if this was actually a good deal… It is! The posters are only $7.98 each, so under $4 each with the B1G1 free coupon. The size is 11×14 to 24×72.
I found the coupon under “photography” using zip 77380. Go HERE to get yours.
What coupons will be in your paper!
This week in the Sunday paper you will get 2 coupon insert. The Red Plum and The Smart Source. I picked up a paper today (Saturday) and looked through the coupons. The $2 Purex Crystal coupon is great, plus I noticed a lot of $.55 and $.75 coupons, which means my wife will use them at Walmart. She saves everything $.50 and under for Kroger because they double and triple.
If you want a preview of what will be in your paper GO HERE.
The overage thing has got me wondering if the manufacturers will start putting both limits and size restrictions on all their coupons?
It will take them a little while to get all that together, but I think there will be some backlash just because Walmart is such a power house. OR Walmart will stop actually refunding cash and instead put it on a gift card that you can only use at Walmart.
Nathan at We Use Coupons has a very good write up concerning the new coupon policy HERE. I esp. appreciate the part about adding items to your order to absorb the overage. I just read a thread about someone purchasing 94 Purex 3 in 1 $.97 items and using that many coupons, getting $157 cash back. Then complaining about a rude cashier and CSM. I would have been SHOCKED if they had not been rude, although it does not give them the right to be be…
In my own opinion, this is the quickest way to get Walmart to change their policy to just not allow overage at all or take ANY coupons that are more than the item amount.
Personally my stance is that I do not clear the shelves in that way and personally I am applying overage to items in my cart. Now, we are all adults here and I would never presume to tell anyone else what to do, you must decide what you want to do with this new policy.
Also, regarding Walgreens RR catalina’s, many of them scan without a problem, but according to Walmarts policy “Walmart only accepts coupons for merchandise that we sell.” Register Rewards are good for OYNO (on your next order) and not for a specific product so I can see why there is going to be a problem using them. I think that we will wait and see if there is more clarification about them. I know that some of you have no problem using them and some of you have been told “no”. I almost feel like if you have been able to use them you have been lucky.
This is new ground for all of us and when ever I have new information I will post it ASAP. I have been shooting off emails all over the place and making phone calls and this is still all the information that I have. Thank you for your patience as we figure this out together.
**************MY FINAL THOUGHTS ON OVERAGE***************
I know that many people have very strong feelings on this subject. I appreciate all of your comments (even if i didn’t post them) I really strive to keep an upbeat view on all subjects. My reader was in a tough spot and made a decision that she felt compelled to do. I try not to judge, just to give guidance on things relevant to Walmart. I am closing the comments after my final review of the subject.
Walmart’s new overage policy is awesome, I think we can all agree on that. The transaction will not cost Walmart, they will get full redemption for all of the coupons. It was a perfectly legitimate transaction as the policy is currently written. I am also equally confident that Walmart never intended for anyone to get 159.00 back in cash and if there are too many of these types of transactions they will change the policy. Walmart is making great strides in their effort to support couponers. Lets use this as a cautionary tale and learn from it.
B1G1 Free Facbook Old Orchard offer
I am checking to see if Walmart carries this brand, if they don’t it is still a GREAT coupon. B1G1 Free for frozen Apple Juice is not something that I can remember seeing. (Thanks, Mama’s Spot!)
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