Thanks so much to Tara for this deal and photo!
In your store look for peelies on the Simply Asia meals, some have a $1 peelie on them. This makes them only $.98!
How to Coupon and Price Match at Walmart
Mar 19 by Paul Ivanovsky Leave a Comment
Thanks so much to Tara for this deal and photo!
In your store look for peelies on the Simply Asia meals, some have a $1 peelie on them. This makes them only $.98!
Mar 19 by Paul Ivanovsky 5 Comments
Here is another high value coupon, $.75 off any 1 Martha White Coffee Cake Mixes. These mixes are very inexpensive, so this big coupon will make them really cheap! Look under “food” and I used 43420.
Mar 19 by Paul Ivanovsky Leave a Comment
Here are 2 new great coupons for Little Tikes items. $5 off the ANY Little tykes purchase of $30 or more and $10 off any purchase of $100 or more! To find them quick look on the left under, “toys and games”. Thanks for the heads up Frugal Reality.
Mar 18 by Paul Ivanovsky 11 Comments
Well it did not take too long before they updated the NEW coupon policy to clarify a few things. This new update specifically addresses RR in my opinion. The coupon MUST say a specific item that you are taking the $$ amount off.
Although RR have been scanning without a problem for some people, it looks like Walmart will not be able to successfully redeem them. The catalina’s that they will take are from the Grocery stores in your area. I can’t think of any other place that offers catalina’s back besides the grocery stores, (other than Walgreens) that are going to be an issue. I am pretty excited about this even excluding the RR opportunity. We get so many good catalinas at Kroger and Randalls, that we have the ability to use at Walmart where the prices are cheaper that I am glad to see in writing that they are to take them even with another stores logo on them.
Had they taken RR that would have been a HUGE bonus! Now we know though for sure and can plan trips without the hassle of being turned away.
They also address WIC and SNAP issues.
This is the only thing that concerns me, “Item purchased must be identical to the coupon (size, quantity, brand, flavor, color, etc).” If they show a picture of strawberry marshmallows and the wording says ANY size or flavor, I don’t want to have to only buy strawberry because that is the picture. All they had to do to make “me” feel better was add in the words, “Item purchased must match the WORDING on the coupon”.
Go HERE to print off a copy.
Mar 18 by Paul Ivanovsky 7 Comments
We in the gorgeous Texas hill country on our way to Sea World for Spring Break and I just “made” my wife (I can’t make her do anything 🙂 ) use the People coupon on a magazine to read in the car. I printed it yesterday because I knew she was going to buy one for the trip. Thats what happens when you are married for 15 years.
**We stopped at Buc-ee’s for gas and treats. Anyone like Buc-ee’s as much as we do??!
Mar 18 by Paul Ivanovsky 1 Comment
Right now has some $8 Blu-Ray movies that you can have shipped to your store for free. Go HERE and type them into the search. Thanks, Hooked on Bargains
If you are looking at Movies, you can get Tangled pre-order for only $24.96 and it comes with with the Vanity Gift Set. It is the Blu-ray + Dvd set. Go HERE and type in “Tangled blu-ray” in the search.
On Amazon you can pre-order the Blu-Ray/DVD copy for $19.99 or you can get the 4 disk Blu-Ray/DVD, Blu-Ray 4D, and Digital copy for only $29.99. About the same price, unless you want the vanity gift set.
From Taylor:
There are also two $5 rebates available for Tangled. The first is from Success Rice and the other is from Cost Cutters. Here are the links to the rebates. You can do both because the cost cutters one accepts photocopies. This would be a great deal especially if there is a $10 coupon and a nice sale to combine with rebates, maybe even a free movie.$5-Mail-InRebate.aspx
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