Hi this is Tiffany, Pauls wife. I am hijacking his blog for a post today. He has much better luck at any stores than I do. I posted about this before, they have not hassled him where they have me! I wanted to show him, and try the Target deal $.01 but he used the last coupon for his video experiment!
I have been price matching for a long time, in fact I got Paul finally doing it last year. I just wanted to share a story with you about my experience yesterday and some new info for The Woodlands area.
I went in to buy milk, eggs and fruit. I price matched the eggs to the $.99 store, ( I will get to that later) and wanted to get blackberries for 2/$5 like at Kroger/ I write the Kroger match ups so I knew that they were that price.
This is how this goes:
“I am price matching the blackberries, they are $2.50 at Kroger.”
“Do you have an ad?” she askes.
“No not with me, you provide those.” I say
“You have to have the ad to price match anything” she says (not very nice)
“In your new policy it says you have to have it.” I sweetly say!
“Fine.” She slams down the scanner and stomps off.
She comes back and tosses all the ads at me and tells me to find it. I am nice to everyone and was really mad that she got this way for no reason to me. I look for the blackberries as she glares at me.
I can’t find them! I know they are part of the deal, I typed them up, I look and look and look. NO BLACKBERRIES!
She is thrilled! “See, that is why we have to have the ad, people try and rip us off!”
I am livid, I tell her I don’t want them and finish checking out. Yep, I am trying to rip off Walmart for $.50. I walk to the service desk and start looking trough my phone at my matchups on my site. The blackberries are there, so I check the Kroger ad online. THEY ARE THERE. That is the problem, they were in the online ad and not the printed. I was wrong. Walmarts policy is that they only price match a printed ad. So the cashier was correct in not pricematching them. How she handled it was SERIOUSLY unprofessional and infuriating.
As I was in the front of the store looking on my phone the manager walked by and we started talking, I told her what happened and that I was wrong, I showed her the online price and that I was not intentionally trying to rip the store off. She laughed and said that it was silly not to price match that and most every other cashier would have.
Sooooo, I guess I am stealing a post to say that I messed up pricemacthing but that it is REALLY easy for the most part. Just always be super nice even when they are nasty to you, and carry the policy with you. Oh yea, and if you do matchups online, check the actual paper ad to make sure the same deals are in there!
** If you are in the Woodlands area, the Walmart on 242 will price match the $.99 store! They have a dozen eggs for $.99 no limit! You can see the ad HERE.
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