This coupon has been floating around for a bit and is starting to disappear, so if you want one grab it! Thanks KCL.
Bagelfuls, 4 ct $1.99
Use $0.55/1 – Bagel-fuls, 4ct
Total: $1.44
How to Coupon and Price Match at Walmart
May 8 by Paul Ivanovsky 2 Comments
This coupon has been floating around for a bit and is starting to disappear, so if you want one grab it! Thanks KCL.
Bagelfuls, 4 ct $1.99
Use $0.55/1 – Bagel-fuls, 4ct
Total: $1.44
May 8 by Paul Ivanovsky 14 Comments
May 8 by Paul Ivanovsky Leave a Comment
Have you signed up for the Purina Newsletter? If you have not then sing up and get a coupon for $2 off Puppy Chow. Some of the smaller bags are around $5. Thanks a Few Short Cuts.
May 8 by Paul Ivanovsky 15 Comments
There is some confusion that you can only use 40 coupons at a time at Walmart. This is actually not true! You can use as many as you like, here are a few things to know:
*The following are guidelines and limitations:
The system will prompt for supervisor verification for:
You can use as many as you like, they will have to call a supervisor over to basically unlock the register if you have more than 40. You can go HERE to get a copy of this policy if you need it.
May 8 by Paul Ivanovsky 18 Comments
Just because everyone needs a little alc while couponing, you can get some FREE daily’s Mixes Pouches and get PAID to walk out the door with them! Get a $2 coupon HERE. Thanks We Use Coupons
**Deal Idea**
Buy 2 Daily’s Mixes Pouches $1.97
Use 2 coupons from HERE
Total: Free + $.06 overage!
** Hang on, look like you might not be able to use this one as the product needs to say “mixes” and these smaller pouches do not say that. Does anyone know the price on anything that says “mixes”?
May 8 by Paul Ivanovsky 39 Comments
I have had a bunch of emails on this one last night and today so I figured I would just post it. Walgreens has the Clean and Clear Morning Burst Body Wash for $5.99 B1G1. YES Walmart will match this ad offer because it lists a specific price for the B1G1. Cool.
Now, the next question is, “can I use the BOGO free coupon” to make them both free??
This is from the Corporate policy:
Manufacturers’ coupons
O.K. there is nothing in their policy that says you can’t use a coupon on a free item, and that is usually what you look for when you want to know if a store accepts Bogo coupons on bogo items. I know that previously before this new coupon policy, Walmarts stance was NO they don’t take them. I think this is going to depend on the cashier and manager at your store. BTW I called Walmart but they are not answering the phones yet!
These are some more coupons for clean and clear:
B1G1 Clean & Clear Body Wash, exp. 5-15-11 (SS 03/27/11)
$2/1 Clean & Clear Product printable
$1/1 Clean & Clear Product, exp. 5-15-11 (SS 03/27/11)
$2/1 Clean & Clear Product printable
** For those of you who are going to ask, you would want to price match this at Walmart because they are going to have stock where Walgreens will be sold out.
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