Texans just can’t get enough chips and salsa! Walmart dropped the price of select Pace Salsa and Queso products. There is a $0.50/2 Pace printable coupon that will drop it even further. Time to stock up!
Pace Salsa or Queso: $1.00
Use $0.50/2 Pace products
Total: $0.75 each
No need to try and make your mind up with this deal, just grab one of each! BUT if you could only choose one dip which would it be?
Is this all walmarts or just a certain area
There is no way to know for sure, I have seen it at 3 different Walmart Stores.
it was that price in tyler, tx area this past week. awww, the queso with the jose ole chicken taquitos. mmmmmmm. good eating.
I live in Minneapolis, MN and these have been $1.25 for a month or two now… When I first saw it I thought it was a fluke and bought a ton. I hope they dropped further 🙂
my walmart doesnt ad match the bobgos for any of the stores unless the price is on it! Can they do that or should I bring a print out of there policy and show that they should???
I live here in the woodlands texas
Are all walmarts sapose to add match the bogos for other stores mine wont unless the price is on it! I live here in the woodlands texas?
Lacey Washington had them for $1
They are $1.88 here in NY. Decided not to buy. Thanks for posting, though!
They are $1.98 in Alexandria,Mn
I am in Texas, D/FW area and I have been to 3 different Walmart’s in our area and noone seems to know anything about this deal. Can you direct me how to find out which stores carry this? I would really like to stock up, my son eats salsa like it’s never going to be found again on earth!!! lol
I am not sure what to tell you, if someone has a UPC they can share you can ask your manager.