In the Walmart insert that came today in the Sunday paper, they announced that they Rolled Back the price of the large 30 oz. Suave Everlasting Sunshine bottles to the same price as they smaller 22 oz. ones!!
There is still the $.50/1 off any ONE (1) Suave Everlasting Sunshine Shampoo coupon that you can print.
Buy 1 Suave Everlasting Sunshine 30 oz for $1.46
Use $.50/1 off any ONE (1) Suave Everlasting Sunshine Shampoo
Total: $.94!
Plus, do you see the Garnier products below?? There is also a $1.00 off 1 GARNIER FRUCTIS Product coupon making those only $1.96 each!
[…] 30 oz. Suave Everlasting Sunshine bottles to the same price as they smaller 22 oz. ones!! Thanks I Heart The Mart.There is still the $.50/1 off any ONE (1) Suave Everlasting Sunshine Shampoo coupon that you can […]