Here is a New $1/2 Spam Meat Coupon. I am not exactly sure which meat spam is but I know if you fry it up and put it on an egg sandwich it’s pretty good. I haven’t had one since I was about 14 but I know I remember liking it.
I want to hear all your best recipes for SPAM, and please don’t SPAM the page with not liking SPAM. That would be SPAMMY!
Spam 12oz Can: $2.48
$1.00/2 Spam Meat Products
Total: $1.98 each
spam is the most delish thing EVER!<3 Yummmmmm
Hay Paul,
I have two great ways for “Spam”. Dice it up in a frying pan with some butter and get a good brown on it, remove it to a plate lined with paper towls to drain the extra fat from it. Then add it to a pot of mac and cheese. Gives it a great flavor…
Cut a can of Spam into slices and place in a bakeing dish, cover with a can of crushed pineapple and bake for about 45 min. @ 350. It is great!!
Spam is good so long as you dont look at what is in it and how much salt they put in it. It will last for ever in the pantry so no matter what, you have something to eat with your Roman noodles…
Here is one from my childhood-
Slice up Spam and lay it, overlapping, in a baking dish. Mix equal parts mustard and brown sugar and pour over spam. Bake in the oven till heated through and the sauce is all bubbly. Enjoy!
We would always just cut it into slices, bake them flat on a cookie sheet, then make it into a sandwich with white bread and mayo… Loved it crispy!
My mom used to make potato and spam fries both run through a potato fry maker and baked together, we loved them.