Redbox FREE Rental Codes 2013 <–Get them
Redbox FREE Rental Codes 2011
I figured that since every Walmart I have been to has a Redbox this would be a nice addition. I will add a spot in my NAV bar soon and I will update this as often as I get new codes.
Here are all the latest Redbox Rental codes for FREE rentals or discounted rentals with codes!
Remember movies have to be returned by 9pm to avoid extra day rental charges.
Each code can only be used once per credit card. Some codes may be regional and not work everywhere.
Let me know what codes you find and what is working / not working!
FREE Rental Codes:
Free Rental Code: DVDONME
Free Rental Code: N6TRWTV – will give Blu-ray for only $.50
Free Rental Code: BADBOY
Free Rental Code: RSJD713
Free Rental Code: 53X3J2K
Free Rental Code: 464VGTH
Free Rental Code: W5JNDV7
Free Rental Code: 273QZDR
Free Rental Code: MMJ5XRZ
Free Rental Code: ZXZHK56
Free Rental Code: VJ7VVWQ
Free Rental Code: S4D64F
Free Rental Code: DVDATMAC – only at McDonalds
Free Rental Code: REDBOXHEB – only at HEB
Free Rental Code: DVDATWEG – only at Wegman’s
Free Rental Code: REDBOX – first time rental code
Free Rental Code: DVDKROG – only at Kroger locations
Free Rental Code: DRIVEIN – only at Sonic locations
Free Rental Code: DVDATWAG – only at Walgreen’s locations
Thanks we just rented Tangled for the girls. ZERO dollars owed! ; )
thanks, that’s really helpful:D
I tried half of the codes and they didn’t work. Which ones worked for you.
I tried half of the codes and they didn’t work. Which ones worked for you?
I haven’t rented a movie in a while with all the sports. Most of these have been reported as tried within the last week. If you have ever used them before on the same CC then they will not work twice.
The last 5 (before the specific locations) did NOT work. The first code worked for me though.
I used the DVDATWAG and the DVDONME and they both worked! Thanks!
Another one that you can use is BREAKROOM. Works only one time per CC.
thanks this one worked like a charm 🙂
thanks went last night and got the green hornet for zero 🙂 so my favorite price !
I tried badboy and S4D64F and they both didn’t work. Regardless of the credit card. I have also never done them before so I know that wouldn’t be why. It told me they weren’t current codes before I even put my card in.
I rented one this morning and the first code worked and showed as 0.00 on the screen, except I just looked at my online banking and it is showing a $1.00 charge? Will this go away if it is returned on time?
Does anyone know if this will work on the video games as well?
Like most everyone else, I have had trouble with almost all of these codes. Hardly any of them work. I was able to use “DVDONME” on two different cards but that’s the only one I’ve had luck with thus far.