This weekend in your Sunday paper you should be getting a Huggies insert from Walmart. There are 3 coupons that are on it, it is a one page slick insert like the Pampers one we got a few weeks ago.
Most of the prices for the items you can use the coupons on are listed on the front of the insert. I have a few more you can use them on. But if you have a Safeway store or affiliate store you can score a better deal from that ad and price match it!
At Walmart:
Buy 1 BOX Huggies Diapers(up to 96ct) $24.94
Use $2 off Huggies coupon from insert
Total: $22.94
Buy 1 bag Huggies Pull-Ups $9.47
Use $2 Huggies Pull – Ups from Huggies insert 11/06
Total: $7.47
** Now, if you want a MUCH better deal and you have a Safeway (this includes Randalls, Tom Thumb etc.) store ad, you can price match the deal they have going for a really good price!
The Huggies big box is priced at $19.79 compared to Walmarts $24.94. Use the $2 coupon and get it for only $17.79!
Buy one Huggies Big Box (price match to Safeway) $19.79
Use $2 off Huggies 11/06 Huggies insert coupon
Total: $17.79
At Safeway & King Soopers you get gift cards based on how much you purchase. Can you explain how this is a better deal?
this is a better deal than what the Walmart Ad has. Price matchng will have its wins and losses when there are gift card sales involved. If I am going grocery shopping I will just PM this deal at Walmart if I need diapers. I will save way more than a $5 gift car on a total purchase. You also have to buy 2 to get the gift card, some people cannot spend $40 at a time on diapers.
Point taken, thank you!
Hey Paul, I still have the Pampers $10/2 coupon from a couple weeks ago. I don’t know anything about diapers so I am not sure when a good deal comes along. Can you please tell me where I can use those coupons. My sis is about to have a baby and I’d like to purchase some diapers for her. TIA
Jen, I would say this is a great deal here. You want to calculate price per diaper to tell if it’s a good deal or not.
I would say for this..go to Kroger. There is a promotion now..spend 20.00 on Huggies and get a catalina for 5.00/next visit! 🙂
Absolutely, if you have Kroger and you need or can afford 2 boxes go for it. 1 box will not get you the Catalina as it is under $20.00
Well I got one box and a thing of wipes. I had a 1.50 coupon for the diapers and a 0.40 cent coupon for the wipes that doubled. So my was just around 21 or 22 bucks.
It would be a good deal if you could get 120 diapers. Too bad the Randall’s in-store ad is for the huggies big pack 27-96 count, or the pampers big pack 48-96 count, or training pants 58-112 count, or super pack diapers at 25.99. NOT for the 120 count box you posted. And it says that on the ad. I guess if you a cashier that doesn’t read the fine print, you might be able to get this deal dishonestly. If you’re spending 17.79 on 96 diapers, that is .185/diaper. I guess it’s better than paying full price. But if you were to use 2 -$2 coupons and buy the diapers from Randalls, if you include the gift card, you get the diapers for .159/diaper. You spend more out of pocket though.
Basically buying diapers is the bane of my existence.
Thanks for letting me know that I posted the wrong picture, based on everything else on my site, doesn’t that seem like a more logical explanation. I am assuming that because you are an expert you also realize that the larger size diapers (4-5)come in the specified up to 96 diapers as listed in the ad that I also included in the post. Simple mistake not trying to cheat the system. Have a great day!
I’m sorry that my comment accused you of being dishonest. That was totally not my intent. I love your site and use it all the time. I was just musing on the possibility of using that deal with those diapers, and it came out wrong. Forgive me!
Thanks, no problem at all!