There’s a new Checkout 51 offer that you can redeem after you price match Yoplait cups from Kroger this week to get them for free. You can redeem Checkout 51 offers with your computer, you do NOT need a smartphone for these offers.
Yoplait Cup 4-6oz $0.50 (Price match to Kroger ad pictured above)
Submit for $0.50 digital Checkout 51 rebate on ANY brand, ANY size, ANY variety yogurt
Total: FREE!
If you are new to Checkout 51, there’s a $2.00 bonus offer for new member that redeem their first offer as well!
And if you don’t have a Kroger in your area, you can still do the Checkout 51 offer and get them for $0.10 since they should be about $0.60 regular price.
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