Hot New Buy One Get One Free El Monterey Burrito Singles is available under Zip 12345. These are one of my guilty leasures, especially if I have some left over Taco Bell Hot Sauce. Have I officially grossed you out now with a little more info than you wanted to know?
El Monterey Burrito Single: $1.00
Buy One Get One Free Monterey Burrito Singles (12345)
Total: $.50
Here are Directions to change your zip code :
- Change the zip code to 12345, hit the blue arrow (be sure it stays, might have to do it 2x’s)
- Close that window, come right back here and click your direct Link to the Coupon–> Buy One Get One Free Monterey Burrito Singles
I’m not a huge Walmart shopper anymore, but I was in one today trying to do a price match. The match included a store coupon from the other store, but price was specified and all that jazz. I pulled up the coupon policy online, and I no longer see the specific line about competitors store coupons when the price is specified. Did they change this? Or am I not looking in the right place??? I don’t stay as up on all the policy changes as I used to. But that’s a huge kink in the deal for my Walmart shopping. Easier to just go to cvs. Am I missing something?
Hi maybe I can help.. Walmart has a coupon policy and a price matching policy. You would want the price matching policy not coupon. The cashier would have to enter that “coupon” a different way. It would be a price over-ride.. Which you could still use a manufacture coupon with. Hope that helps!
You have two different zip codes listed for this product. First you said it was at zip code 12345…but in the instructions to change the zip code…you have 90210. I found it at 12345. Thanks for a cheap lunch! 😀
You did not list the $.55 off two coupon in the deal. Can I use the $.55 off and the bogo coupon together? New to this and dont want to mess up.
sorry I cant read without my glasses 🙂 it is a $.50 off coupon not $.55