We have no one that can help today from 2-4 pm at Kroger. If you can help please email me and let me know, mylitter@mac.com us and let us know. We just can’t be there all day with all the kids. Help would be appreciated.
This is currently what the semi looks like!!
We REALLY need people to help on Sunday at the Kroger location in The Woodlands, loading the semi truck there.
We will be at the Kroger Grocery Store in The Woodlands, 6700 Woodlands Pkwy, The Woodlands, TX 77382
- Saturday 8am – 2pm & Sunday 11am – 4pm
We also need 4 volunteers for 2 hours shifts each day… Saturday 8-10am, 10-12am, and 12-2pm. Also Sunday 11-1pm, 1-3 pm and then 2-4pm.
PLEASE fill out EMAIL me if you can help! * Saturday 8-12 is filled. Need Saturday 12-2 and ALL DAY Sunday! mylitter@mac.com
This WAS my office, and it is now full, so we have moved to filling the library!
Please go HERE for more information and what items are need!
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