Last weekend, we drove out to Navasota, a small town about an hour away to meet my good friend Maureen to do family pictures.
Maureen has been a friend for just about as long as I can remember! She also has taken our family pictures a bunch of times before. It is not easy to wrangle kids for photos, especially 7 of them, but she makes it fun each time and my kids LOVE her!
Maureen has also taken birth photos when I had Rush, my 6th. I went into labor and Maureen drove an hour to sit at the hospital with me for hours to only have them send me home. Five days later, she drove back again in the middle of the night and took a set of the most precious pictures I own. The images she captured of that sweet little boy being delivered by my husband, are absolutely priceless.
It takes a real friend to take those pictures for you! Let me tell you!
I am ordering 1 of every picture she took this time they are so good! There are individuals of each of us that ROCK! Plus, she got my 14 year old to smile so I love her even more!
OHH! And she also took the picture of me and the kids, that my brother used to draw my header on this blog!
But, I need your help!
My living room has a space for a large picture, and I want it to be a family picture. I can’t decide between these 3!
This is where you guys come in! I need you to vote which one I should get as my “big” family picture to hang in the living room for the next 10 years 🙂
** Disclosure: I was NOT compensated for this post. I LOVE Maureen and think she is the BEST at what she does and love her dearly, I just wanted you to help me vote on our AWESOME pictures she took and give her a shout out for being the BEST!
Go HERE to see Maureen’s Site!
I love the one on the bottom because you can clearly see the the joy in your children faces… Its random… Its grrrreat!
Awesome pictures. I love the last one!!!!! And I voted!
They’re all cute but I don’t think the middle or bottom are “over-sized portrait” for a living room worthy 😉
I love them all but your 2 little ones are not making eye contact in #1. I chose #3 because you can clearly see all you wonderful faces!
This may sound strange but my vote would be based on the color of your wall. The first picture has a very white looking background and if it was on a white wall I think it would be kind of lost on the wall….if a dark color wall would really ‘pop’ out. If you have a very light wall I would go with one of the bottom two with more background colors. The family is gorgeous in all three so my choice has more to do with the back ground..would be either one or three based on wall color. All three are good but not feeling the garage door for background as much.
All three are great. It’s so hard to choose! (But I did pick one!)
I love them all but the bottom one is my favorite. The pictures that are natural and for a lack of a better word “goofy” are my favorite kind of pictures they are priceless.
I lIke them all but I like the third one the best. Yep, the third one it is!!
Favs are the top and bottom but I think top would be better for a LR portrait 🙂
I chose the thrid one, it is nontradional and it’s different than the norm
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the one on the BOTTOM. Couponcita said it perfectly.. It’s random but, it has SOOO much personality. The others are fantastic but this one isn’t the everyday “Ok, move closer, tilt your head this way, fold your hands here….” The third picture ROCKS !!
My three year old son loves trains so the first pic in front of the tracks is my vote!
…but that pose you had goin’ on in the first one was sassy Tiff. Very cute. My husband said “Her !! SHE had 7 kids, NO WAY” LOL. That’s about as good as it gets for compliments from him so way to go !! ahahahha
Ok i can tell there is not going to be a landslide, and the top photo seems to be winning, they are all good, but the bottom one seriously just made me SMILE. grEAT PIC
Number 3 is very unique which is what I like. It’s also going to be a great conversation item. Enjoy them all.
While I love the background in #1, you should definitely pick #3. The random, unposed pictures are always the best. It shows the real personality of its subjects and what I see from #3 is a happy, united, and goofy family that has a lot of love for each other and like to have a good time 😉
I loved them all .. the top one is great but the bottom one is so free spirited and you can see the joy in your families faces.. Great Pictures Maureen
Wish I had a picture of what the living room looked like and the colors. I feel the first one would go in a more plaid, red and forest greens, nothing bright. The second one would look best in a contemporary sleek type of living room. The last one I think would go best in a random, fun, bright, eclectic type of living room since the main pop out color is bright pink. That’s just my opinion. Try them out.
The first or the bottom…the first is more traditional, but I love the whimsy of the last one! I can’t decide either…I know I know…I’m no help at all…
Wow – Nice looking family! Tiffany you look HOT! Good for you!
I voted but it says 0% for all of them…?
The last one is awesome! Love how candid it is, instead of the “forced family photo” we all are guilty of hanging in our homes
It crashed!
The last one is awesome!! LOVE IT!
I voted for 3 and omg Tiffany you’re gorgeous!
She is really hot isn’t she!
Love the last one!
I vote for the last one.
I really love the last one! It’s a totally different perspective and you can see all of your facial expressions! Beautiful family 🙂
Lol I like #1
I really like the one where your all leaning against the brick wall
I vote for the last one! they are all so good, was tough to choose
I like the second one
I love all of them but the bottom on you can see the faces better. I think that would be a great photo hanging on the wall looking down at people.
I like the one where you are all along the wall.
I like the one on the railroad tracks. I think that its a priceless one and will be good for many years to come.
I really liked the one where your all leaning against the wall as well.It has character. It shows the fun side of each one of your family members.This one shows off each ones personalities/while looking at the youngest of your family.This one would be a great asset to any room. But would be a great conversation piece to your family room. You have a made a beautiful family, this picture here, shows the warmth of each child from oldest to youngest. I love this one. GOT MY VOTE.
I like the picture at the very top its beautiful! I love the pictures that she took of yall…so i looked at her web site WOW she takes great pictures not to mention shes close to where i live!!
they are all great pics but I love the one on the bottom best!!!!
Great family photos! Your friend Maureen did a good job. I think the third is the best, but all of them are great!
The Bottom one. But love them all.
I like the second one!
Love #3 the most! Close-ups of all the faces and everyone is animated. FYI. I am the oldest of 7 children and now MY generation has grandchildren! Let me tell you… The photos of 7 siblings become even more priceless to the children when they are adults. We get a chuckle out of each of our photos, because there was always some anecdote that we remember about each photo shoot from so many years ago. Now all of our “group shots” include FOUR generations! You are sooooo blessed to have 7 children in this day and age. My mom would have loved couponing when she had her 7 children… but now in her 80’s she gets every deal she can! 🙂
I’m a professional photographer and I vote for the first one. When it comes to families you want a photo that shows everyone clearly, and close together.
The last one – the angle is unique and all of you have great expressions on your face!! I have to say – the baby steals the show 😉
The last one, which is the close-up of everyone. Really cute. 🙂
I love the last one!! =)
The 1st one is soooooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!! Ur all 2gether, the sunset is reflecting in the background, the scenery makes it looks naturally beautiful… the 1st pic is just AMAZINGLY beautiful x’s SEVEN!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
I am a bit of a “traditional” person so I really like the picture with the train track in the background…they are all equally awesome pictures though beautiful family…great job Maureen!
i like #1.
Ok..I’m liking the new one best. It is very artistic and super cute.
Definitely the last one. It doesn’t look forced and everyone looks so happy.
Love number 1 for a large living room picture, but the 2nd photo is a great shot! posed but not quite, because baby girl just looks like she did not want anything to do with that, so she makes the picture look completely natural. everyone looking at her with a natural smile on their face, not the fake say cheese smile. i think both of those would be great for a larger framed picture. awesome job on all the pics though.
I can’t decide between the 3rd & 4th one, but if I had to choose, it would probably be the 3rd one standing in front of the garage .
HAHA! These are so cool! 7 kids! That’s amazing and it makes me appreciate your site even MORE because I am the 3rd child of 6 kids! And we’re blessed to have 2 parents =)
Keep up the good work; I’m just getting started on couponing to help my family, and unfortunately Wal-mart is the closest store we have around.
You’re site really helps.
Thanks =)
Oh and you have a beautiful family!
and I like #1 =)
I LOVE the last shot…I think it looks spontaneous and natural. A family photo doesnt always have to be “posed” and formal!
You have a beautiful family. I love the third pic the best.
I vote for the one with the baby walking away. Her expression and hand gesture is priceless, and I love the casual feel of everyone else’s body language. I absolutely love these pictures, it really looks like your family was just having fun and someone snapped some pictures. Much better than the plastic smiles and fake poses you normally see! No wonder she is so good at getting the family to look good in pictures, she isnt trying to get them to do something unnatural like sit in one position for extended periods of time, lol!
I love them all too! She is very talented – But the last one wins for me!! 🙂
Beautiful Family….I like the first one the best by the railroad tracks.
I didn’t know you had 7 kids!! WOW! I love the 3rd one because everyone is looking at the camera. Just precious children!
I love the last one! That’s my pick 🙂 Beautiful family you have there.
If it’s going to be a LARGE photo, then I say #2 all the way! That is a piece of ART, imo 🙂 But if it’s going to be small, and you won’t be able to see faces, then I’d say number 1. The composition of both of those photos is very balanced & pleasing to the eye, still fun and exciting & not boring at all 🙂
I vote for the one with everyone in front of the garage (?), the third one. Everyone looks great and you can see everyone’s beautiful face. Such a handsome family!
I vote for the third picture. You all look so happy
together. What a loving family. Cherish that everyday
because you never know what tomorrow might bring.
Love the third one!
I LOVE the last one with everyone looking down at the camera! Too cool! Beautiful family!
The last one! They are all so cute!!
I love them all! but the last one if very edgy, and from the looks of your clothes and stuff I think edgy fits your family! VERY CUTE!
I gotta say #3. Love all the happiness & family love showing in it
You have a beautiful family! 🙂
I like the 2nd pic
I’m picking the last one.My fav is actually the one in front of the rock wall but child #4 has her hand over her face so its the last one. I just want to know how Tiff still has a figure like that after 7 kids? She looks awesome and Hubby aint bad either.
I would definitely say the one on the bottom!! I LOVE the very first one though..!! Nice Family pics!!! 😉
For a LARGE family room picture I would choose the one of the family leaning against the wall with the red pipe and the little one roaming around! For the large size you will be able to see everyone well and it won’t be such a close up. It has character! 🙂
From a perfect stranger (although you look somewhat familiar!! did you go to PCC?) it’s a little harder to take advice but here goes…They are all GrEaT just as you said…The first photo is great in that it shows height/age differences but it’s at a distance so facial expressions are a bit lost. The second one shows that too and is a closer shot than the first, but the THIRD pic is at a different angle (a bit more modern) and it gets everyone’s facial expressions really well. I think my fav is the 3rd! GREAT PICTURES!!!
I like the onewith the garage background!! very good!! and natural looking
They are all great! I vote for the one against the wall, with your youngest off by herself. I like that it’s unique . . . not a typical family portrait. Shows character. 😉