This is the only image that I have of the Target $.01 coupon for the carefree items. I wanted to see what they said and if it would be a hassle. There was no problem, it has the price clearly written on it 🙂
These, plus 2 gallons of milk are the items that I bought and price matched today. They are NOT the items that I bought on the channel 13 news story today.
The milk I price matched to Randalls for $2.99 (was $4.19 at Walmart)
The grapes I price matched to HEB for $.88 ( they were $1.78 at Walmart)
I price matched the Peanut Butter to Randalls for $1.59 (it was $2 at Walmart)
The floss was $.88, I used the $1 off Reach coupon from the 4-17 SS for $.12 overage.
The carefree was $.01 with Target coupon.
Was that $0.01 Carefree coupon just an insert coupon?
I didn’t know you could use Target coupons at Walmart! I thought they had to be manufactures coupons. If this is a target coupon, can you stack it with a manu. coupon? Thanks and great job!
No you cant stack them
So we can use the target .01cent carefree coupon at walmart? I thought it said combined with in store coupon on the .01 cent coupon? But we can use it by itself at walmart?
They are basically price matching it. They are not scanning the coupon.
Did your 1Cent carefree coupon have a manufacturer remit to address on it? I didn’t get that one, but got the $2/1 revlon tool for target and it doesn’t have the manufactuer remit to address so i didn’t think Walmart would take it…
I dont have any coupons left, can someone look for me.
I am reading it that Walmart will price match the $.01 price.
Paul did they only let you price match as many as you had coupons for? Or can I take 1 coupon and get 10 of the?
No I had as many items as coupons. I doubt they would do it that way.
Ok… that makes sense, a price match. Didn’t think of that.
I didn’t get the Carefree coupon either. I hate it when stuff is regional.
Where did you get the 1c coupon?
I didn’t get the target carefree q. Instead I got target colgate proclinical toothpaste q’s for $1.50 off. Which was cool cuz my wally world had it on clearance for $1.50 🙂 YAY!
oops! I meant to say that my target had them on clearance. You can’t help but have wally world on your mind when you’re on Pauls site 🙂
So cool! Thanks for the information. I went to Target yesterday & they didn’t have any left & I didn’t think of Wal-Mart! Thanks so much for your hard work! 🙂
Grrt tip on taking Target coupons for price matching!!! Good Job Paul!
Ok… I’m confusing myself I think… I thought Walmart would only price match (like the 1cent target carefree deal) but are they taking store coupons now?? I thought it had to say this item for this price, but they won’t take $1.50 off of something? hummm think i’m confusing myself again lol
If the coupon says an actual price for the item, like the $.01. Then they will take it.
I tired to use a Walgreens coupon that was not a MFG coupon at Walmart and they would not take it or price match. Do anyone know if this is Walmart’s policy or is it a store by store decision?
Where do I find the carefree coupon?
are you gonna post your news clip when it becomes available….would love to see it!!
Ok, so…if I price match the carefree target coupon. Can I use a .50 cents off manu coupon on them for overage??
I think I’m missing something…where are the coupon matchups?
There are no coupons to match up, I price matched everything to another stores ad.
Just an FYI…since my walmart was out of the Nivea body wash I checked my CVS when I was there getting my stuffing for .38. I knew it was $3.88 but thought I would see how much they had. They had plenty PLUS I got a free travel size lotion. I also got two additional travel size first aid kits (my walmart only had 2) they were .99. So for about $1.30 more I saved myself an additional trip. CVS is literally 2mins down there road, walmart is a little further. So I think it was worth it!! Especially since I didn’t have to get the kiddos out twice!!
I went to Walmart this weekend and ask if I could use Target coupons and they said no. It had to say manufacturer printed on the coupons for them to take it. Hope this helps……..
Also, has anyone gone without the ads and try price match even though Walmart says you don’t have to have your ad with you.
It depends on your cashier if they require the ad. I’ve has a cashier tell me that certain cashiers request the ad even the customers who work at that store that try to price match! My mother works for Walmart and she has informed me that they are having a hard time getting the cashiers that have been there for years that are “set in their ways” to change. Always cashier profile it helps! I have found 5 different cashiers I like to go to. We have one cashier that when you price match and use a coupons treats you like your stealing directly from her and refuses to talk to you.
I went to the Walmart on Louetta this morning for the carefree 1 cent coupon and they wouldn’t let me use it ggrrrrr…. oh well I will go back to my regular Walmart tonight I know they will =]
I went last night and got
(11) reach dental flosses
(2) 40 oz heintz Ketchup
(3) packs carefree panty liners
(1) finish dish washer cleaner
(2)bottles of McCormick grill mates seasoning
after coupons I still had $1.54 in overages it would have been more but they wouldn’t let me use the string cheese coupons they said they couldn’t because they already owed me $$$ so I had them put the cheese back 🙁
This is why it’s a good idea to carry a copy of the store’s coupon policy. You could show the cashier that YES, they should absolutely give you that cash as it states in their coupon policy!
I had it with me and they just didn’t get it I was holding up the line so it wasn’t worth the argument but I got them tonight on my way home (I have to drive past Walmart anyways)
You never answered anyones question who asked where you got these coupons…where did you get the target 1 cent coupon?
You should have been able to find it in Sunday’s Smart Source.
I tried to use the Frigo cheese coupon on the smaller items and they wouldn’t accept the coupons at Wal-Mart.
I am brand new to couponing and confused. Can you use other stores coupons at another store?? Can you use more than one coupon for the same item at one purchase ?? How do you price match??
another FYI… not all Wal-Mart stores carry the same products. I went to both of my local marts looking for the nivea body wash with no luck at either store. Turns out they don’t carry the Nivea brand.
Where are you located? I am stunned they would not carry a MAJOR brand like that
I agree about not all stores carrying the same products. I live in a small town, and even though my store is a super center, it definitely doesn’t have the same products as other stores.
What I do, before I print out a coupon, is I go to Wal-Mart’s web site and check to see if my store carries it. That way I’m not wasting printer ink and paper.
how do u do that???
In the search box, I enter the name of the item. After the results display, I click on In My Store tab. I then enter my zip code and click on find. It’ll bring up a list of stores that are close to me. I pick the store that is in my town and click on Make This My Store. It’ll then display all the item sizes, varieties, etc. If my store doesn’t carry it, it’ll say We found 0 results.
I haven’t been able to find the nivea body washes anywhere either. they carry them at the two walmarts i went to (west road 77037, and crosstimbers 77022) but were out of stock. you can check the stock online for some products and i signed up to get an email notification when they came back in stock.
i found the 0.01 carefree Q in the 4/17 SS….now lets see if this works
Walmart in Pasadena ,Tx ( Shaver St) is also saying it has be a manufacturer coupon. Cashier stated it need to be from a Target ad? They would not accept it even after I pulled out my coupon policy & manager came over to look @ the coupons & policy. They made me feel wrong so I am pending the outcome for cooperate office AGAIN. : (
The WalMart in the back of The Woodlands did not let me use the 1c coupon from Target. They wouldn’t even price match it. However they let me use my cell phone to price match the HEB ads!! Great walMart trip!!! Thanks!
Go to 242 and Sawdust I had no problem there
How did you price match milk? Did it have to bebthe same brand ?
yes, Oak Farms. but they will also match store brand to store brand.
I tried to use the 1c Target CareFree coupon and they said it had to say manufacturer coupon. Going to try another Walmart that has a big sign when you walk in that says ‘We accept competitor coupons’. BTW, I’m Georgia.