If you have been waiting for your Scrubbing Bubbles One Steps to show up, today may be the day. I arrived this morning at about 6:00 and found them being opened up right before my eyes. It wasn’t quite like Christmas, but I was glad to see them in! Grab your $4.00 Coupons and get to Walmart.
Is this deal still going? When does it end?
Isn’t the sale over on them? I think they are back up to regular price…
Are they still going to be 3.97?
These are NOT a sale item, it is a PROMO item. This is the only package that sells for $3.97, when they are gone the deal is gone.
Is the price still $3.97?
I can’t find these I have look everywhere!! I’m in Cincinnati tho 🙁
I’m in Cincy to, try the Mason location, they had a TON.
NICE… I havent been able to Find These. maybe ill see them up here near cleveland this week. Thanks Paul =)
How many did you get?
None, I left them for my IHTMers. I make my kids clean toilets with toothbrushes. It works great, I tell them whoever cleans the toilet gets to pick who’s toothbrush they use.
You are terrible!!! 🙂
LOL! Thats awesome! Too funny! Thanks for leaving them for us! U rock!
OMG that is great! LOL I am going to tell my kids we are going to start doing this… I want to see their faces……..
What a great use for all those free tooth brushes. Love your humor Paul!
Paul will you go grab me 4 lol I know by the time I get off work they will all be gone 🙁
I hope no one has the trouble I did with these. I am in Virginia, went to my local walmart to purchase these and the cashier called the csm over and she said that the $4.00 coupon could only be used on the $9 ones NOT on these. I argued the situation and luckily I knew the csm and she let me have them because the manager had already left.
Which insert had the $4.00 coupon?
found additional coupons inside package. two 3 dollar off starter kits and one BOGO for the refill
OH! These are PROMO price?! I thought too the ‘sale’
was over Saturday. I have lots of the $3 coupons form the boxes to get a few more. Wander if my stores will get more though? They have lots of the one without the yellow stripe – but not the right one.
Will keep an eye out though
None of my boxes had a coupon inside…bummer!
Got mine just yesterday in Garland, Texas!!!!! Yay!!!
Only the box with the yellow label on it is $3.97
I rushed out to my walmart once I saw this post but alas they still only have the non yellow stripped 9.47 ones. BUt at least that is an improvement,.. last week they didnt even have a place on the shelve for any of them. I will stop over again this week. I think I made 9 trips to 4 different walmarts last week looking for them,.. I work on the road so I just popped in whenever I saw a walmart. lol I have 7 coupons,. had 9 but 2 of the printables expired of the 5th. Shucks! Thanks for the update paul!
I used my coupons on the one with the brush, thery were $3.97 also
Which brush one?? The coupon was for the automatic cleaners
Been looking for this since last week when the special came out but none of the Walmarts in my area have them. They told me that they never had them
🙁 I have a few coupon that will make them free so guess will keep looking and see if they get them in this week.
I went to Home Depot so they can price match and they told me that they didn’t only had those either but if they did they can price match but I can not use the internet printed coupons since their policy is not to accept any internet coupons expect theirs.
The Store I go to in Cooper City, got theirs in on Friday, they must have received over 200 of these items, most of them sold, they had around 50 left as of Sunday Night, and when I went back today, they had 3 that I saw, and they were labeled with the price of $3.97 on the box.
BTW, when the Walmart’s do get them in, they are not on the shelves, they are in the middle of an aisle if they received a bunch of them, and on a end-cap if they received less then 50. HTH
What Wal-Mart is this one? I too have gone all over town and can’t find them
I live in the Wodlands. This was the Sawdust store.
Even if you don’t see them at the low price take them to the price scanner and check. On Saturday I was thrilled to find one package but the price looked higher. I checked it just in case and was delighted to see it was under $4!!!
I went to the store on 242 on my lunch break… forgot you shop at the Sawdust location… 242 has yet to recieve them. I talked to the Dept mgr… poor guy, he said sooo many people are so mad about this and he has to take it lol Feel bad for that guy. Maybe I can make it to the sawdust location after work. 🙂
I went to my walmart and they only had 9.00 ones, there are supposed to be some that are 3.97 also?!?!
I went to get these last week – our store honored the ad, even though the products didn’t have yellow stripes on them – but it was quite the scene.. one lady with two carts attempted to take all of them (she actually stood there while her kids grabbed them for her) and the nicest coupon lady I’ve ever met yelled “how many do you need” and got four of them for me and my four little coupons before the end cap was completely cleared. Couponing gets a little too crazy for me sometimes 🙂 Who knew this was such a big item! Ha. Good luck to everyone else!
LOL I wonder a. how many toilets she has in her home; or b. how dirty her toilets really are!!
I was able to get the other package for 3.97 i went at 1130 pm on sat night and my walmart had over 100 of the other packaging I went to the register and the csm was cashing out people and i showed them the ad and they wrang it in for 3.97 even tho they rang up at 9.97…they didnt know any different in the add is the same size and all so they didnt know anything different maybe some people can try that …worked for me now i have 14 toilet cleaners and there were over 50 left so no shelf clearing.
I too have been looking constantly for these up here in Wisconsin 🙁 no luck finding them yet. But I’m not giving up! 🙂
SE Wisc? I only know of one Walmart that got them but they didn’t get many I’m hoping the others get them soon?
I have been searching for this deal since last week and i went to a walmart today and there was only 3 with the yellow on the box left. I was really excited too since I searched forever for it. I went to the register to check out with my $4 coupons and i gave her the coupons and the girl looked at the coupon and called the cashier manager over and the lady said I couldn’t use the coupon!!!!! She said it was only for the $9 ones and not the $3.97 ones!!!! I told her it was the same thing and she said no it isn’t and then she just walked away! So I just ended up telling her forget it and i just left. 🙁
I am never going to get this deal.
Went to my local Walmart’s today and none of them have them. They didn’t either last week either.
I’m in the sugarland area and can’t find it. Has anyone seen it around here.
I have checked at my store in Morgantown, WV constantly and they never have gotten these in yet as far as I know.
I went to my super Walmart in CA and they were already on clearance! They rang up at 3 dollars so I made a dollar! So I’m thinking some stores might not get this item at all.
Went to my Wal-Mart in Monroe NY and they had them on an end cap. WOOHOO!! I had already puchased one last week but it was the last one and I had one more coupon so I was so happy to be able to pick it up yesterday. I have 2 bathrooms so all I needed was 2. YAY!! Thanks Paul for the heads up. I love your site and your wife’s site as well!!!
What store has these?
I’m 10 minutes from the Woodlands, and would like to know!
The Walmart I saw them at was out within a short time after I posted it.
FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been stalking the Wm (s) in the area but could never find them. I stopped in to Wags today to pick up an item and found it on an endcap for $3.97. Got 3 free!!!!!!!!!!
Any in the AA Michigan area seen this deal anywhere? I’ve been haunting stores but have not seen any. Thanks.