Aldi is a no frills, no gimmicks grocery store, with some of the best prices you will ever find! Aldi is able to keep the cost of food down for it’s costumers by avoiding paying certain unnecessary expenses. Smaller than most grocery stores Aldi only has 5-6 aisles while you may find 30+ aisles in your local big box grocery store. I actually love the small store environment for a few reasons. First it makes getting in and out of the store nice and fast (which is exceptionally nice when you are grocery shopping with kids). Secondly, there are less choices when it comes to products. Instead of looking at 20 different brands of Maple Syrup, there is just 1 or 2 to choose from.
Aldi has their own brand which is significantly cheaper than the name brand options. Their brands are not only cheaper but they are quite comparable in flavor and quality. Many times you will find that the packaging for the Aldi brand products may look similar to a specific name brands packaging, this is so you can see which brand it is comparable to.
Since a majority of products found at Aldi are not name brand there is no need to bring your coupons. Leave your coupons at home and enjoy low cost grocery shopping without the hassle of clipping or even remembering your coupons.
Make sure to bring a quarter with you. Aldi keeps their overhead costs low by using cart return system. You put a quarter in the cart to use it and when you return your cart at the end of your shopping trip you will get your quarter back. This keeps both the parking lot clear of stray carts and keeps the cost down of having to pay for extra employees, thus resulting in lower food costs for you!
Bring your own bags. Again Aldi is able to keep their food costs so low by avoiding extra costs in certain areas. Grocery bags is one of these areas. Simply bring your own bags or pay for one of their HUGE bags (they are awesome) for just $0.10. You can also choose to go bagless and just carry your food or find a box around the store. Also there are no baggers at Aldi, so be prepared to bag your own groceries. This is another cost saving opportunity.
Bring cash, debit or your EBT card. Aldi does not take checks or credit cards.
Aldi has a money back guarantee! If you don’t like something you can return it for a full refund. But that’s not all, they are not only willing to refund you for the product but will double the guarantee by also letting you pick another similar product for free as well. That means you will get your money back and get a free product! See more details HERE.
Best Deals to Buy at Aldi:
- Produce: This is no joke you can get produce for a fraction of the cost at any other grocery store. For instance often times you will find avocados for just $0.29 each.
- Dairy: Milk is often times on sale for less than $2.00 a gallon! Cheese, yogurts, sour creams are all by far the best deals you will find (even with using coupons!)
- Snacks: Aldi has several choices when it comes to snack foods. We have found with many products we like Aldi’s brands better than name brands no matter what. Don’t even get me started on their Honey Wheat Pretzels!
- Meats: Keep your eye’s peeled for Aldi’s weekly advertisements. They often times feature a meat product for a fantastic price per pound. We have enjoyed getting chicken breasts for under $1.70/lb, racks of ribs in the summer and more!
- Organic: That’s right Aldi has an awesome Organic section that is ridiculously well priced!
Lastly, if you are not interested in shopping at Aldi for whatever reason, don’t forget that you can price match Aldi’s meat, dairy and produce prices at Walmart (See Walmart’s Price Match Policy HERE)!
Sometimes one or two cashiers isn’t enough if u have one or two items u have to wait 10/minutes to get through, when they are crowded.