Happy Friday! And, happy almost Mother’s Day coming up to you!
Mother’s Day is approaching quickly and that means some interesting purchases are being made. Some fascinating gifts will be received… According to an on-line poll, 1 in 3 mothers say that they only pretend to like their Mother’s Day gifts…
We thought we would help you out by giving you a chance to win all the things you MIGHT ask for and not pretend to be thrilled that you got!
A few of my most favorite blogger friends teamed up together to give you a chance to win some fun presents you might not buy yourself! Valued at $450 this is a fun set!
Included in this prize is a Coach Purse, Thirty – One cooler, a Coupon Binder, a Farberware 3-Piece Open Skillet Set (this gift provided by DuPont™ Teflon®) and $50 from Kentucky Fried Chicken so you don’t have to make dinner!
One of my favorite mother’s day memories was actually before I was a mother….I found out on Mother’s Day that I was pregnant with my first baby! That was over 11 years ago 🙂
Love all my Mother’s day Gifts. Love your blog!
I love I heart the Mart. Thanks for the chance to win!!!!
What a nice prize to win !!! Love your site !!
My birthday always falls on or around mothers day, and just so happens it is on mother’s day this year, the 12th. I have always had a very close relationship with my mother, who did several years ago from cancer. My birthday and mothers day, sometimes being on the same day, I feel it brought me and my mother to be very close. This was a day that we were able to celebrate together, even as a child. My mother left that gift with me, when she died three days before my birthday, but was buried on my birthday and mother’s day. To many people it would just seem to be a series of events, but to me it was a sign from her saying that this will always be a day that you can celebrate for both of us. Now as a mother, I have even more to celebrate 🙂 I love you mom and will always remember our special day!
One year I traveled extensively for business. On mothers day each one of my 4 children gave me a hand made gift they made with their dad while I was gone. I was amazed and humbled at the love my children gave.
Favorite memories include all the awesome handmade gifts from my daughter! I will always cherish them.
Going miniature golfing with my sons!
One year we surprised my mother in law with planted rose bushes while she and my father in law were out of town. Its the gift that keeps on giving!
ooohhhh I hope i win!! lol great gifts 🙂
My Mother’s day present this year will be not having to cook or take care of anyone but myself.It won’t cost anything but it will make me a very happy moma.
One of the greatest memories I have of Mothers day is when my sons who were 3 and 5 at the time decided to bring me a present they found. I worked nights so i was sleeping and they woke me up saying mommy look what we got you. They said here hold it, so i opened my hand and they put 2 baby crickets in it. Well needless to say no going back to sleep after that.
My son was born on Friday before my first Mother’s Day! His birthday is always around Mother’s Day and for some reason this makes it an extra special day for me!
One of my best memories is my very undemonstrative son making me a Mother’s Day card. I’m still touched and surprised to this day.
This would be quite a gift- you’re combining many of my favorite things… couponing, style and not cooking!!! Hope I win!
My favorite Mother’s Day memory is my very first Mother’s Day. Even though my child was an infant and my husband was deployed to Iraq, I found so much joy in being recognized as a mother and just being able to spend time with my child. Being a mother is the best gift in the world.
My 8 yr old daughter makes me a card, very personalised and very creative. It gets better each year. Looking forward again to collect another wonderful card.
I’m very excited to celebrate the mother’s day this year, this is my first time of being a mother and my husband told me he has a surprise for me, I can’t wait, for years I dream of this occasion to celebrate it with my own kids and now I got blessed with a son at the age of 37 , Thank’s God!
Favorite Mother’s Day memory…my husband completely surprised me with a hand made gift: he took a canvas from Michaels and used his hand print and arm print to make a “tree” and then used each of our boys to make hand print “leaves inf different colors. It is a work of art that is worthy of hanging in our main hall and so special because of the thoughtfulness and time put into it!
Thanks for the give-away!
This is an awesome giveaway!
Mothers day is early for me this year we will have the whole family going to the brewer game with tailgating before
Not going to lie I would probably keep the coach gift as my own mothers day gift!
My greatest mothers day gift is spending time with my husband and 2 daughters. They are the joy of my life.
My favorite mothers day memory would be the first mothers day after I had our daughter!
Every mothers day is special to me! My kids are the best!
My Favorite mothers day memory was when me and my sister where little we “attempted” to make my mom a breakfast in bed ! lets just say she was a bit more upset about the mess rather than our burnt food!
I love my mom!!!
My favorite Mother’s Day memory is my first one. I was pregnant after being married for almost 9 years and we hadn’t told anyone. My husband got up in front of our church and announced it and both my mother and mother in law were there!
Wow Paul what an awesome and thoughtful giveaway! My hubby is taking me and the kiddos on a mini vacation weekend trip to Albuquerque, super excited! I hope you and you’r wife have a wonderful mother’s day, and thank you for all you both do!
The best mother’s day was when the kids were just learning what mother’s day was and were so excited to bring home the hand made pictures. I love all of them though
I am a mom, but the most important Mother’s Day was the last one I spent with my Mother (I just didn’t know it was going to be the last). My mother passed away from cancer when I was 15 and I have a younger brother that I helped raise. I wish I had one more Mother’s Day to spend with her.
I like to wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day! May you get all the hugs and kisses you deserve.
My favorite Mother’s Day was a couple of years ago when the kids first became old enough to make cards. It’s really sweet to get a picture or a note from them. I’m excited about this year as well, since I found some great presents for my mom. 🙂
I love my “job” as a mom!! 🙂
My favorite Mother’s Day was probably the first one we celebrated after my daughter was born. No gifts, no flowers, no dinner or celebration of any kind ……just being a mom was gift enough! The next year, however, I expected all those things for all the hard work I’d done! 🙂
My favorite Mothers Day was the birth of my son !! What a great gift from God !!
My favorite memory was in 1995 when I was a mom for only 6 days. It was my 1st Mothers Day!! It was the day my daughter was due, but she came early. Now every few years we celebrate her birthday and Mum’s (what she calls me) Day together.
this will only be the 2nd year i am a mother and last year my baby girl picked me out a card it was sweet i wouldnt care what she gets me its not about the gifts i love being her mommy 🙂
My favorite Mother’s Day memory is when my 3 children were old enough to actually prepare a beautiful meal for me. They decorated and made paper flowers in mason jars and dressed up like waiters like they were running a restaurant!
I love being a mom!
I know my mom would really enjoy this amazing gift and I she honestly deserves it!!! I really hope I win…Thanks
I love the mommy gifts my little girl makes me all year long!! My fridge is covered!!!
My first Mother’s Day was very special because I brought my son home from the hospital. He was 2 days old. It was a wonderful way to celebrate becoming a mommy!
Love Mother’s Day but I like to think that my family appreciates me more than just one day a year! 🙂 last year my kids made me breakfast in bed that was burnt toast, warm milk and a banana! Best breakfast ever though!
What a thoughtful idea.. I love being a mom!
I remember making things for my mom for Mother’s Day and now I am receiving those small teacher-inspired crafts and cards and am so thankful. They are so sweet.
I see all the same treasured Mother’s Day gifts being made by each new generation, we hold them and love them and pass them down through the years! How special!
I love Mother’s Day! Spending the day with my kids and grandbabies!
I never get anything for Mothers day cause my Birthday is usually a week before that 🙁
My favorite Mother’s Day memory was when my husband took all my kids shopping and had each one choose a gift, including my one year old, and had them write a small saying as to why they chose that gift. It was so creative!!
Fondest memory is when my two children were young and they would make breakfast for me. They would both jump up in bed beside me. That was the best.
My favorite Mother’s Day Memory was when I first realized it was Mother’s Day around 8 years old. This was the first time that I actually remembered it and knew that it was for Mother’s 🙂 I went out and found a cheaper vase and picked her some of the prettiest flowers I could find in the neighborhood. The only bad thing was the prettiest flowers in the neighborhood just happened to be from my Mother’s flower bed. So low and behold she had a beautiful vase full, but wasn’t the happiest woman in the world, I think that handmade card made up for it cause she still loves me and all my quirkiness lol.
when my hubby got me tickets to see ronald isley
I would be so lucky to win something like this… Love this website and blog!!!
Mother’s Day always means a picnic by the lake with the whole family. Nothing better than that.
We would go to the store the night before and pick out roses to wear to church on Sunday. Each color meant something different: your mother was still alive, your mother had passed away, you were a mother. I’ll have to look it up and share the tradition with our girls.
would love this. thanks.
Wow! Would love to win this for my daughter who is a mother of 3 and one on the way.
thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I would love to win this
My favorite Mothers memory was my first Mother’s day when my little girl was born. Thanks for all you do. Love your site, Renee
Favorite memories of Mom are still in the making. I am blessed that I still have my Mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
My most memorable Mother’s Day was 14 years ago when I gave birth to my beautiful twins. Been enjoying every mommy’s day since then and will have many, many more to enjoy!
My favorite memory was my first mother’s day as a mom!!
I’ll always remember when my 6 year old daughter learned how to crochet a chain. She kept going until it was about 3 feet long, then gave it to me for Mother’s Day.
My son made me a comb at his woodworking class. I’ve never used it but still have it!
Favorite Mother’s Day Memory was when my kids were young and made me gifts in art class at school. I loved the hand print plaques,poems,cards,ceramic “mom and baby” statues. Really miss those days.But I still have every one of them from all of my 7 children.
My favorite Mother’s Day memory is when we sent my MIL flowers. She had never received any from her son’s in her life and she was thrilled.
Every Mother’s Day is special as it should be
Love to win this!
When my kids were little & made me breakfast in bed.
My favorite Mother’s day was when my children surprised me with a beautiful breakfast.
My favorite Mother’s day was when my kids were small and they surprised me with breakfast in bed!
My favorite Mother’s Day Memory is when I found out that I was pregnant and was told I would never be able to have children. Love my miracle baby!!
Wow, I would love to win this. How exciting!
Good moms are hard to come by these days. I would love to be able to give one of those ‘great moms’ something special like this!
Breakfast in bed!
IN our Sunday School when I was a child we always planted marigolds in dixie cups and gave them to our mothers for Mothers Day. To this day I give my mom a flat of marigold’s on Mother’s Day – many decades later!
Great Prizes! My wife loves the day off and to be pampered.
I really haven’t had a memorable mother’s day yet…..
When we went to ripleys believe it or not
Every mother’s day that I spend with my family is memorable 🙂
Thanks for the opp!
Loved getting handmade cards for Mother’s Day
I love when the kids make me little gifts at school and they are so proud to give them to me.
I just like spending time with my mom every day!
spending time with my mother
My most memorable Mother’s Day was my first one. My husband was away at work and he sent me flowers, chocolates and a stuffed animal for our baby girl. When he got home he bought me a new SUV. I was completely shocked!
My mom is going to love this!
Work always maybe not so good.
awesome prizes. 🙂
Great prize pack!
My most memorable was last year – my 4 children each got me a bracelet along with a picture frame water globe with their pictures inside, loved it:)
My most memorable Mother’s Day Memory was when my mother, and grandmother and I all went out to lunch…And then to the spa for a fun girls day!
We see the grandmothers and than the kids come home and we all spend time together
Snuggling with my toddler, then having breakfast & cartoons in bed.
My favorite memory was when I was 5 back in 1996 and we had four generation of women together. This is the first year since then that we will have 4 generations thanks to my handsome little boy. This is my first mothers day as a mom and I’m looking forward to the memories we will make.