FREE Razors are back! Be sure to check out your Smart Source today and you should see the $3 off 1 Schick Disposable Razor Coupon. Walmart has the 12pk for only $1.97, making this a HOT $1.03 Money Maker!
Schick Disposable Razors 12pk: $1.97
$3/1 Schick Disposable Razor Pack, exp. 11/17/13 (SS 10/06/13)
Total: FREE + $1.03 Overage!
I was at my walmart last night and they would not take the coupons. I had 4 of them and they said it was up to the managers descretion . I even showed them the policy from corp. I have this problem all the time. I’ve even called corp. And complained. I’ll shop at target for awhile and try to like walmart again.
my walmart politely informed me this morning that they have a new manager who wants the coupons that we use to “match” the pictures shown . i told the cashier (who was the front end manager this morning) that it said any and they refused to take it. gosh, i hate calling corporate but it looks like i am going to have to.
my coupon beeped and said item not found. They would not let me use it since it did not scan (not in journal). Any luck yourself? The wording on the coupon was a correct match though. And on another note, same thing happened with the Chobani 55c off coupon for 6 oz. That item there was no question that I was purchasing the correct item. So ditto. Ended up not purchasing because item coupon beeped. All other coupons that night went through though.
PS. the cashier said the schick coupon had been tried earlier by someone else too and had the same problem.
what can we do about this I have called the corporate office and they are going to have someone call me back. I don’t understand if you read the coupon it only excludes 2 packs I think the next email will be to Schick themselves. I am so tired of Walmart telling me we are not taking select coupons. Well I want to pick the coupons I would like to use get stuff and try a coupon not for that product. I really don’t like to coupon at walmart anymore. Thanks for any input on this matter.
good luck finding them. My Wal Mart either wont get them or will not keep them in stock.
Our Walmart accepted the coupons, but if you read the fine print, they DO NOT allow for an overage (which would explain why the scanner wouldn’t accept it). The fine print says, “No Cash Back if Coupon Value Exceeds Retail Price.”
wow i had the worse expierence in my life yet, over a hour and a half to check out with my coupons this friday night, a new guy was working the girls i normallyuse was on the 10 itmes or less and i had bought the scrubbing bubbles toliet gels and they had 1.00 off peely’s i always try to put my pricematching items up first but my buggy was just busy this trip and i knew i wasn’t price matching those so i had him togoahead and pull the peelys off while i loaded some more on the register and he did was very nice and patient and he tried to scan the first peely and it wouldnt scan, but he didnt stop there and continued to scan and i had 10 of thema nd then the girl that normally does me hollared and told him to stop but it was too late it froze the register and that CSM that had to come up started right off, now mind ya we hadn’t used any other coupon yet i still had all minein the front of my binder and he says you can’t use these peelys and i asked why not they have always scanned before and the girl tried to tell him that the boy kept running them through and after so many it has to have a CSM and he says real smart you can’t sue these you have to use these on yoru next visit and i said no those are instant saving coupons to use now after 3 or 4 minutes of reading it he said well do you have more coupons and i said yes and he said then that is why these wont go through you cant use them both by this tie i knew i was not in for a good night and i said sir we havnt scanned my coupons yet those should go through no problem and he says you can not use your coupons with these peelys and i said why not i have always got to before he said you cant and i said ok then just take them back off and ill get them at the dollar store cause they have them too and he said we can’t take them off you done used these peeyl coupons and i said buddy those wouldnt scan so non have been used that is hy you was called up here and the look was so stupid on his face then he said well i will over ride for these 10 but you cant use yours i said ok that is fine with me but then the boy would only get like 3 or 4 of my coupons to scan and it would call for a CSM again and of course he was the onyl one working but those razor coupons wouldnt scan either but he tried to tell me that since the package was for 12 razors and it was normally 10 the package has added 2 free razors that was why it the coupon wasnt any good for that package,. i was like look those razors have always said 12 since i have been getting them and the girl was trying to explain that the coupons wasnt the problem the new guy checking me out had kept scanning them so they now they have to be typed in and he said listen you all want to type this stuff in so the free stuff can be got and these coupons used for the wrong items you get a manager up here to approve this becasue i wont. it was horrible he had all my razors drug back out and the coupons was so messed up by the end of all this i LEARNED a lesson though he nor any of the others will mess with my coupons the way they did he ednded up keeping 18.oo worht of my coupons by the time i got home and got it all figured out he took razors off that he said wouldnt work that i told him he could keep and i got the coupons back but then they got all mixed up again i was so mad i have never been treated like that before but the worse was how he was treating the young guy and girl that was checking me out, he is a young CSM that doesnt want anyone to know more than him and didnt want to listen to them but since when can we NOT use a instant peely with our other coupons? i have never had any trouble with any walgreens, Rite aid, CVS, Family Dollar or Dollar General using them at the same time, he tried to throw the one coupon per item out there.
OK so i go to walmart the other night to try and do the gas x deal and my coupon beeped… They ended up getting one of the other managers there to tell me that if it beeps they cant key it in because they will not get paid for any coupons that they have to key in. LMAO.. yeah right… I argued with the lady and i showed her there coupon policy and she goes on to tell me that they have there own coupon policy and any other store that is keying this in manually is doing it wrong and will get in trouble. So I said to her I WANT TO SEE YOUR STORES COUPON POLICY.. She flat out refused me and told me SHE DOES NOT HAVE TO PROVIDE ME WITH A COPY OF THE STORE COUPON POLICY… I am so disgusted with walmart it is sickening. they are clearly getting paid for there coupons and they do like we couponers are stealing from them. I am so aggravated with these people and always getting the run around. it is said to know that in all honesty they are clearly jealous that we are SMART enough to do these deals and they are not!!!!!
This may be too late to help anyone, but I found out why the Schick coupon beeps. At first, the cashier thought it was because of the overage wording on the coupon. So she went and got the more expensive one, just to test. It beeped with the exact same journal print out. They went ahead & overrode it and made it work. My WM has a super nice person in CS, and she is a couponer as well. She called the mfg. and found out there was some problem in the coding on the coupon. The fact is, apparently it would have beeped on anything. So she notified the people that work in my store, and the rest I went to use went fairly smoothly. Just an FYI.
I had the same problem as well . My cashier refused my coupon when it beeped . The coupon had said on ANY disposable razor pack .
i went 10 minutes ago to walmart to use my schick disposable coupons and of course like everyone here it beeped. ok I get it it happened on Saturday too. the difference was I did self checkout Saturday and they over rode the system and I was able to purchase my razors. but today it beeped and they flat out said no doesn’t match. I politely told the mgr that it matched the coupon because a] it was any disposable and b] it was past the 2ct clearly stated on the coupon. which another mgr [2mgrs, front lead, and cashier] said no its not right. I said im following the coupon exactly to the letter. They said they couldn’t accept it because of their updated policy from sunday… I told them I look at your policy everytime I come in. I felt embarrassed frankly because everyone was saying no. They have to go by the corporate policy not make their own rules as they go along.