This is a post my wife did the other day. I am reposting it here as she got a bunch of very smart comments from her readers. Instead of being discouraged and frustrated about the value of the P&G coupons, they were optimistic about trying new items.
From Jamie:
I switched to Arm & Hammer about 2 years ago and my only reason for doing so was the price. Where I live a big bottle of Tide sells for any where between $18.00 and $24.00. The same quantity of Arm & Hammer costs about $9.00 (sometimes they run sales on the smaller bottles for $2.00, so I buy 3 smaller for $6.00 and the quantity of 3 smaller bottles is the same as 1 big bottle so it is like getting a big bottle for $6.00). So instead of buying 1 big bottle of Tide I can get 2 or 3 or sometimes even 4 big bottles of Arm & Hammer for the same price.
From Lisa:
I just read today that P&G’s profits are down due to their recent price increases. They are planning on lowering their prices in order to increase their market share:
When I read this, I told my husband it may be too late. Most of us have already switched to other brands that we now like just as well, or better. Looks like I’m not the only one!
From Lili:
Lucky for me I do not use Tide anymore since I started using coupons. I grew up with Tide and when I was on my own I always used Tide, too. Couponing has allowed me to try new detergents that i like as well or better than Tide.
This is what Tiffany wrote:
Really? Really Tide???? You have the corner on the laundry detergent market, people STEAL your detergent and you only offer a $.20 off coupon?????
Dear Marketing Genius at P&G,
Offering consumers $.20 off a $12 bottle of Tide is a really ineffective marketing tool. It actually just makes us mad. It also makes us more willing to try the OTHER brands that are cheaper and offer a MUCH higher value coupon, making the overall price over 50% less than Tide. With the rising gas prices and overall rise in groceries, dropping the value on coupons does not make any sense. You are also actually hurting the grocery stores that you partner with. I can get the same Tideonline at Amazon, cheaper, no TAX, and get it shipped free to my home. Why would I want to spend the time and money to go to the grocery store with a $.20 coupon? Apply this to all the products that you offered PATHETIC coupons for this weekend.
A old Tide, P&G product customer, NEW other brands customer!
Awesome post! I can’t tell you how frustrated we have been with a .25 coupon off of Charmin. What’s a mere quarter out of $10?! We have since found better coupons and prices for Cottonelle that we like even better. I hope P&G is listening.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who noticed how ridiculous P&G coupons are. They do nothing but promote ill will because they are a joke. Well said, Tiffany. As for me I say P&G can take their coupons and shove them up their…….
well with the news saying tide has carciogenics in it, though very small amounts, you would think they would be doing damage control and throwing the stuff at us by now. really, ……….
Get over yourselves, they don’t even need to put out a coupon to begin with. It’s their business. As for the “fox business article” I didn’t read it because I’m anti-Fox. Ever since they one the won the right to lie to their viewers in court I think no one should trust them. And in case you’re wondering no I don’t even use Tide at all we use ALL (brand name) Laundry detergent because that’s the only detergent for Husbands sensitive skin.
Oh annabelle! Why do you always have to leave negative comments? You are so angry, coupons are fun! My site is fun! Lighten up, have a great day, it is beautiful in Houston don’t you think?!
You are calling me negative? What did I say that was negative? When yall are complaining about a $0.20 coupon. I guess you couldn’t bother reading the other comments. I say again Get over yourselves. And I couldn’t tell you anything about Houston as I don’t live there.
Yes, you are negative to other people. Every comment you have ever posted has been negative. I am just saying lighten up and have some fun! People on a coupon site are bound to be offended about a $.20 coupon, as I am. But they are not ugly to other people on here. Hopefully we will get some higher value coupons and maybe that will make you smile! And you are right, I meant Stafford!
Paul, Thanks for being so positive. By no means would I complain about a $.20 off coupon… but, in all honesty it is an insult to the buyer (I feel) as we are looking for great deals for our families (we have 3 girls and I’m always looking for great bargains as I am a stay at home mom). I guess all I am saying, having higher value coupons and you may keep your customers OR lower your prices & produce no coupons. I got a great deal on ALL 32 loads for $2.99 with $1.00 off coupons I had. I agree Paul, couponing should be fun! I love it and it has saved our family so much money!!
I think Annabelle may be missing the point. P&G doesn’t HAVE to distribute coupons…that is true. On the other hand, they would be better off issuing no coupons at all if they are going to offer a ridiculous value. It creates ill will amongst consumers, in a market that is so saturated with products that people can freely choose between brands. People see a 20 cent coupon and they laugh. I’m not a public relations specialist, but that seems to be bad marketing to me! Anyway, I can imagine it’s beautiful there in Houston, and it’s been a great weekend in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. I’ve always wondered about the big Joel Osteen church I’ve heard is out there.
Thanks Tara! The Joel Osteen church is crazy big! What an amazing story he has. It was where the Rockets played before their new stadium, if you can imagine how big that is and that they fill it up every weekend it just really crazy! I have never been for a service, but would really like to go.
Hey Paul, just wanted to say thanks for the great read. I feel the same way about they crappy value of that. Makes me glad to make my own laundry soap. Oh and also love the new design of the site to. Keep up the great work.
Paul, What a wonderful sense of humor you have. Sense of humor and ability to find a deal!! Gee your wife is a lucky woman!
Tide makes me itch! I’m loving the purex right now. When I see low value coupons like .20 I never use them. Collect the ones you know you will never use and pass them on to those who do! Now everyone is happy 🙂
I totally agree Paul. When I saw the really low P&G values I laughed. Even Crest is a quarter off a $3-4 tube of toothpaste. I love Colgate and bought 2 today for FREE! I love CVS. Even Colgate was only 50 cents today but at least there were better sales on it. I love ALL and Purex detergent. Much cheaper than tide and just as good. I went to Target and bought the $2.99 ALL and BOGO Purex last week. I use Scott’s tissue as I have a septic tank so it’s cheaper and I can still find it on sale at a decent price. Granted everything is going up, but I can tell you from a Marketing perspective it is a joke!
Yes no one has to issue coupons, but this is just a waste of our time and a waste of their money printing and distributing. I am getting a Minor in Marketing and coupons discussions have come up in class. Keep up the great work and love your blog.
I also agree about the .20 and .25 coupons. What a joke!! I mean that is not going to make me go out and buy their product, just so I can save .25! Now, give a $1 coupon and I will be willing to buy it. Or, the BOGO are great. Anyway, yes, I do buy and use coupons, but I do try to buy when on sale and shop around for the best deals. Also, I like to stock up a little, so I won’t have to buy something at the full price if I run out. Sometimes it happens, though, then I just purchase a cheaper product till the sales go on again.
Since Tide is so expensive, I’ve been buying Purex, All and my new favorite Wisk! I bought the Wisk for $2 a bottle at dollar general a few weeks back. It was $4 a bottle and they had $2 off coupons. $2 P&G. Maybe you’re marketing guy moved the decimal point over to the left to far?
I won’t even cut out a 20 cent coupon. That amount doesn’t even cover the tax on the item. :p
I was brought up on tide as well. Had my own family and switched to gain, wich i love! But, with all the rising prices, i too have bounced around with the higher value coupon and best sales out there. I have quite a collection and i will continue to follow the deals as long as my family dont break out to something new. Some people dont have as many choices when they have issues with sensitive skin. So i am kind of lucky.
I couldn’t believe these low value coupons! I won’t be using them! Here’s what I would like to know…..what is P&g’s address where there headquarters is located? My plan was to clip and send all my coupons to them with a little note telling them “I don’t think so, cheapskates!” and how I’ll use the other high dollar coupons on other products. Let them know how I won’t be buying their laundry soap. IDIOTS!!!!
I live in Albany, Georgia and there actually is a P&G company here! I should send my coupons there. haha
I honestly think that part of their issue is the rampant coupon misuse of P&G coupons. That should be fixed now because they have finally switched to the new barcodes. However, I had seen posted all over the internet where people bragged about misusing P&G coupons. Not at all surprised .. just look at where the Crest White Strips coupons has ended up. It’s now a mail in rebate.
Jamie, I think you are right about that.
I bought the Purex Ultra Packs at K-mart when they were $2.50 for 18 loads, had $1.00 off coupons which doubled making them $.50 for 18 loads of laundry. I really like the Purex and have recently got my mom hooked on them too. (She’s been using Tide for 30+ years!)
My husband is a tide snob. I personally dont care what the detergent is as long as it smells good and works. I took a chance on Arm and hammer crystal burst pacs when they were running the rebate, and i really love them. Actually takes the smell out of my work clothes better than tide. And honestly my husband doesnt notice when i use something else on his clothes. So i do have a stockpile of tide for him but i will use other detergents for myself.
I’ve been making my own laundry detergent for close to 3 years now! Spending money on expensive detergent made me cringe!!! Although fabric softener is inexpensive, I’ve been making that as well for 2 years now! If P&G won’t offer us reasonable coupons, we will find other ways to save money!!!
I look at it this way–if I see a quarter on the ground, I’m going to pick it up! That said, I don’t use Tide or Charmin or Crest, so I won’t be clipping ’em anyway. At least they will double and triple at some stores.
LOL My Mom and I were just having this talk yesterday. They have the highest priced items, and already the lowest value of coupons. This is a joke to me. I do buy tide when meijer has catalinas, and coupons. However I 2 buy the arm and hammer 2.99 alot of times at meijer before coupons. Whomever is doing the marketing for that company, should be made to use a 20cent coupon. I mean that isn’t worth my time. I use coupons on everything but come on P&G
I love love love Tide sadly I just don’t buy it. I used to when my and my husband first moved in together. That was of course before kids and a mortgage payment. Now I pretty much buy whatever is on sale. C’mon P&G. people are stealing Tide and selling it on the black market! Maybe if you actually sold it at a resonable price with a modest coupon people wouldn’t risk life an limb to steal millions of dollars worth every year!! How many people do you see running out of a store with a cart full of ZOTE?!