Mother’s Day is coming up soon! If it is creeping up on you a little too quickly – no worries, I’ve got a foolproof last minute Mother’s Day gift basket idea for you. Walmart.com has some nice gift baskets – but when you make your own you can really personalize it.
Here are some tips to make it awesome, while keeping it frugal:
Get a cheap basket, or reuse an old one. Don’t waste $5 – $8 on a pretty basket when you probably have extras lying all over the house. If you can’t find one, check the Goodwill – that place is a basket gold mine and most will ring in at only 50¢ – $1.
Pretty it up. If your basket has a couple scuffs or is less than beautiful, do some camouflaging with a ribbon wound around the handle. Let the kids pick out some flowers at the Dollar Tree and hot glue them on the basket where the handle joins the base.
If you have a brown or black basket that has a few bare spots – filling them in with a brown or black sharpie does the trick!
Fill it with FAVORITES. Get the kids to help you think of all mom’s favorite things – like lotions, a gossip mag, nail polish, a Starbucks giftcard, a romantic dvd, etc…
DEFINITELY include gift certificates so she can treat herself a haircut, pedicure, massage, dinner out, etc… More than flowers or chocolates – moms really love getting time to pamper themselves a little (and the means to do it). The best place to get these is Groupon – where you usually save up to 50% on various local salons and restaurants.
Try the Gift Bag Trick. For this basket (that was mostly full of gift certificates) there wasn’t enough “stuff” to really fill it up. Easy fix! Cut a section out of a gift bag to serve as a colorful background for the items that are inside – while pushing them all up to the front to look like it’s “stuffed” nicely. Just grab your trusty hot glue gun again to secure the gift bag cutout to the back of the handle.
**I have this hot glue gun and it’s cheap and I LOVE it because it’s cordless.
A couple more last minute Mother’s Day gift ideas:
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