Thanks to Tiffany for the reminder! O.K. This is the last day of the month! Do NOT for get to print coupons, they might be gone later today.
I wanted to remind you that these double blade Wilkinson Sword Razors are FREE at Walmart with this $1 off coupon. I used zip 77380.
Wilkinson Sword Twin Blade Razor, 4 ct. $0.97
Use $1.00/1 -Wilkinson Sword Twin or Triple Blade Razor
Total: FREE + $.03 overage!
I loved that coupon! gave them to tornado victims. If you havent gotten them Please do and donate them, it will cost you nothing and will make a big difference for those who lost everything.
@ becky ~ I believe in donating 100% and have done so alot of times with things Ive gotten. However it really annoys me when people say it costs you nothing, this item is .97¢ and the coupon is 1/1 which is good that gives .3¢ overage to go towards your TAX. Which makes it not free. Where I am tax on non-food items are 9.25% which is a lot for tax. So while the item is “free”, I’m paying a nice penny for my tax cost. That’s one thing that almost made me give up on couponing when people who say OH THIS ITEM IS A MM and I’d think score! And go in and my total wouldn’t be anywhere where I thought it was cause of my high tax. That’s just something that annoys me when people say its free cause its really not, and though 6-7¢ for tax isn’t bad, its not free.
Thank you for pointing this out to people. I’m good with dirt cheap but it’s hard sometimes to make people understand that a item is not really free once you pay tax. The other thing I like to point out is the cost of ink and paper. In the end the cost isn’t that much but it is still something to consider.