I love when these delicious little goodies go on sale! It makes my week when you can actually MAKE MONEY for taking these beloved little gems home.
Right now if you print and use this coupon for $1.00 off 5 Totino’s Crisp Crust Party Pizza and this Rebate for $5 off when you buy 4 specially marked Totino’s Pizzas. I have heard that some people have had a hard time finding these packages, it is still a sweet deal to get a pizza for $.80!
Buy 5 Totino’s Crisp Crust Party Pizza: $1.00 (PM Kroger)
Walmart Price: $1.25
$1.00 off 5 Totino’s Crisp Crust Party Pizza
Total: $0.80ea or $4 for all 5
Enter Codes for Rebate HERE and Get $5.00 back
Money Maker $1
For More Kroger Deals Click HERE
Safeway has a just 4 u coupon 4/$5