Did your kids go back to school today and you are too overwhelmed by grief or jubilation (or both) to make dinner tonight? I’ve got you covered! Chili’s is having a Kids Eat Free nigh at participating restaurants for members of their Email Club. You can be a member of the Chili’s Email Club and get these offers in your inbox. When you sign up you will also get a coupon for a FREE Chips and Queso! That’s a really spicy deal. Mine does not require this coupon but be sure to verify with your restaurant first!
Hi Paul, I will taking my grandkids there for sure!! I was wondering do you have list of restaurants where kids can eat free? That would be so helpful if you could post it or put on your blog somewhere. Thanks for all you do! I love your blog Jane
are you in the woodlands Jane? if so try http://www.thewoodlandskidseatfree.com. The Chili’s deal cannot go on there because it is an email deal.