Bring on the cereal deals, especially when they are Under $1! Kroger has a great Mega Event going on right now that matches up nicely with these Kelloggs cereal coupons! When we find deals for Cereal under $1 that is when we stock up. If your Walmart still price matches then you are in luck otherwise you can head over to your local Kroger store and score them as well!Kelloggs Cereal: $1.77
Walmart Price: $2.98
$3.00 off any FIVE Kelloggs Cereals
$1.00 off TWO Kelloggs Frosted MiniWheats Cereal
$0.50 off ONE Kelloggs Smorz Cereal
$0.50 off one Corn Pops Cereal
$0.50 off one Kelloggs Apple Jacks
$1/2 MobiSave
Total: $0.77 ea
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