If you are in the Houston area, and want to donate items to be taken to Joplin MO and surrounding communities you can bring them up and we are personally delivering them over Father’s Day weekend.
In Houston:
- The Woodlands Christian Church 1202 North Millbend Dr. The Woodlands 77380
If you want to mail items, I am working on a post of how and what to pack in the Flat Rate Box from the Postal Service. We also have a church in Springfield MO working with us as a mail point, where we can then sort the items and get them out. This is where we will need YOU if you are in the area!
Where to mail packages:
- Address to: Coupon-Aid (care of the Vineyard Church) 634 W. Wall | Springfield, MO 65806
Here is a printable list with coupons of items that they NEED! If you have the time and some extra coupons I know that people really need the help!
Thank you for all your hard work and tips and for taking the time to put this list together to make it easier for others to help those in need also.
That’s so awesome of you guys! Please let me know where I can send items to be donated. I am in Dallas and would really love to help out!
If you hear of anyone nearby who will take coupons and be able to buy some things, will you please let us know about that too? I am working on getting together some things, though I cannot afford much for postage right now.
I was wondering the same thing as Mary…We don’t have a ton of money right now to go out and purchase a lot of the items but I do have a bunch of coupons for products if someone would like them to purchase the items.
I am in the same boat as Mary and Beth. Want to help but can’t afford the shipping charges. But I could share the coupons I have.
so the address that starts with “Coupon Aid” can we send coupons to that as well?
My community is only a couple of hours and we are donating as a town! Anyone that wants to send coupons to me to get more items to donate that would be AWESOME!!!
Please e-mail for my address! Jamielearice@gmail.com
We already have a trucking company that has donated a truck and driver to go down to the area!!
I have heard they could use anything!!
Hi Jamie,
How did you guys get the trucking comapny to donate a truck if I may ask?
Because I live in San Antonio and the Honor Society that I am a member of at our college is allowing me lead a donation drive for our fellow Americans in Joplin. I have called the local Red Cross and Food Bank to try to get information on how we can get these items delivered to the affected areas but no luck.
I would really love to put my energy into this project but I cannot find a way to deliver these items that is why I was wondering how your town was able to get this great support.
Thank you.
I would like to donate a few things I’ve aquired through my couponing, that the people of Joplin could use. As well as challenge my local fellow couponers to do the same. I’m in the SE San Antonio area. What area of town are you? Please email me, toollb68@yahoo.com
Have you located a truck yet?
Thanks for helping out! I am still working on the truck, it really is going to depend on how much stuff we collect here.
Thank you for putting together this list and encouraging people to help donate. My husband and I lived in Joplin for 5 years and just recently moved about 30 minutes East of there. We have so many friends who have lost everything, and it’s devastating helping them sift through the rubble and seeing the damage first hand, but it’s such an encouragement to see people from all over the world wanting to give to the best of their ability. So thanks 🙂
We have a local trucking company here in town that offered to donate a truck! Our local Elks Lodge is spearheading the effort, and I’m sure they are someway affiliated with one another! Wish I had more info to give you!
THANK YOU for supplying an address to send directly to Joplin. I have two large boxes one stuffed with food from coupons and one with toothbrushes toothpaste, shampoo etc etc supplies. I’ve been surfing the net for a half an hour looking for an address and couldn’t ever find one. THANK YOU for all you guys do!
Paul what is the best time on Sunday to deliver supplies?
Thank you all for thinking of all of us here in Joplin. The devastation is just horrendous. We were affected by the tornado. Luckily we still have our home but many in our neighborhood are completely gone. We were on the south side of town where the tornado initially touched down. My husband lost his work and we have numerous friends and family members who lost everything. The outpouring of love and support in this community has been tremendous. I have lived in the Joplin area most of my life and have never seen anything like this. The pictures don’t do it justice as to how terrible it actually is. I just break down crying everytime I leave the house. The storm chaser videos on utube show the tornado as is passing right over my house and neighborhood. It is so scary that the reality is that if it would have touched down even 5 seconds sooner we would all be gone. God held his hands over us and shielded us from the worst of the storm last Sunday and I am so forever grateful to Him. I am just so sad for others that were not so fortunate. Joplin residents are going to need lots of help for quite some time to come. Thank you so much for all of your thoughts, prayers and donations.
I’m so sorry for your loss-but thank heavens for those tender mercies from the Lord… I hope he continues to bless you and we’ll work on getting stuff out to you!
God bless you all. I had tears in my eyes reading your post! I’m in Rogers, AR and I got a big box of stuff ready to donate when I dropped off my kids at school the Monday following the tornado. My daughters teacher brought it all when she went to help her parents dig out. I’m so thankful people everywhere are still helping. Take care!
Thank goodness you and your family are safe and I can honestly say that you are right when it comes to pictures not doing justice to what it actually is. I grew up just south of Joplin but moved to Arkansas 9 years ago but I was up there over Memorial weekend and I couldn’t believe the devastation. It’s hard to imagine that 2 of my children were born at St. John’s and now it’s a total loss. We lost 2 friends that were in Home Depot and my sister-in-laws grandmother. One thing I know is that the people of Joplin and the surrounding communities will continue to support each other until Joplin is rebuilt…that is the great thing about the people there! My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and all those who were affected by the tornado and I will be making several trips back “home” to help as much as I can.
Are you guys taking coupons that are not specifically the ones stated above? I have tons of toothbrush, toothpaste, body wash, deodorant, ect coupons that I would love to donate if you can use them!
I am also from Joplin. While I did not lose my house, my parents lost theirs. When you come to Joplin, I would be more than willing to help you distribute or unload any of the supplies that you bring. (You may email me at the address above for more contact information.) We are all so grateful here in Joplin for the support we have received from all over the country. I want to express my gratitude on behalf of all of my entire community. If I can do anything at all to help you when you arrive please let me know.
I was wondering when is the last day that you will be accepting donations before you leave. I have asked friends to help donate and needed to let the know the exact day that I will be heading up to the Woodlands to drop everything off. Thank you so much for all your help…..
my plan is to leave the thursday before Father’s Day.
Can we donate used clothing? I have my box full of deodorants, soaps, and stuff but was wondering about used clothes, shoes, etc?