If you live in or around Joplin I would like to hear from you. Please let me know what kinds of things are needed most in your community. I would like to do something to help in even the smallest way, but I am from Texas and we like to do it big down here. Answers in the post are fine or if you would like to email me you can do that also. I heartthemarters be on standby, I have received a lot of emails asking how to help and I am working on it.
[…] would like to donate items, they are in need of EVERYTHING (read the comments on Paul’s blog HERE) you can drive up items to The Woodlands Christian Church. 1202 North Millbend Dr. We are […]
I live about an hour south of Joplin and have been following the Facebook sites below to see what they need.
My sister lives in Joplin…i have stuff to donate, but know way to get it there right now….Can anyone help? Please let me know what i can do….we just bought all this stuff and my van started acting up (some hissing sound). Is there an address i can mail all this stuff to?
where are you located?
I live very close to Joplin. They are needing dog food, cat food, and cat litter for the humane society. Diapers, blankets, water, food, canned goods, toothbrushes, toothpaste, other everyday necessities. Also, they are taking financial donations as well. It has been said that $3 Billion dollars worth of damage throughout Joplin. Also, it would be wonderful if you could post this: Please post to help our town of Joplin, MO. Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 to Joplin relief.
Thank you! Anything and everything will help!!
My mom lives just outside Joplin, here is what they are hearing that is needed.
Shampoo, deodorant, razors, ect needed in the shelters.
Thank you
I live in Carthage about 20 minutes east of Joplin. Our church is collecting all items except clothes. Carterville Christian Church is located at 20123 Gravel Road Joplin, MO 64801. Feel free to contact me via email.
Thank you for your support!
So glad to see this. I can definitely donate things from my stockpile! There’s a nother couponing site putting things together, but I’d have to pay for shipping and that’s not in the cards right now. Are you thinking of doing it like Tiffany did for the earthquake?
Are there any churches or contact centers that are looking for coupons only?
I would think with all the people creating “stock piles” in their homes of thousands of items, if you would donate 1/4 or even 1/2 of the years worth of stuff in your homes, you would be helping many families who no longer have a meal for tomorrow… (and on the bright side, you could then go shopping again to build it back up)
Whether we have “stockpiles” really shouldn’t make a difference, should it? Most couponers I know create stockpiles so that they can take those items off their weekly shopping list and not have to buy them at full price at the last minute – not because they are fabulously wealthy and can afford to buy thousands of items. I think we ALL should help those in Joplin, not just those with stockpiles, don’t you?
oh yeah, I don’t think it was meant to exclude anyone. Its about helping!
Paul let me know where I can take some items I have a rubermaid tub full that I’ve been collecting for donations I’m in The Woodlands but I can’t really afford to ship it somewhere since its so much stuff (deoderant, shamppos, razors, tooth paste, tooth brushes, dental floss, body washes, baby formula, laundry soap you name it I have it to danate)
I’m thinking about driving up there Saturday. We have a truck and small trailer. Do you think people in The Woodlands could fill them up by Friday?
i live in palm beach florida and have been stockpiling does anyone have an address i can send coupons to? I am close to thedirector for Red Cross so I am getting a box together, hopefully others will add to it but it take one person at a time and wecan all help who knows I could be in the same boat with hurricane season coming. Couponing people (as they say in the stores) we provide
Thank you so much! I live in Webb City which is basically connected to Joplin on the North side. We were in the area when the tornado hit, I am so glad that you all are reaching out to help. There are many sites and fb pages, but this one I feel is the most helpful, it’s a note page that only has info on it so you don’t have to try to scroll down through posts . . . hope it helps all of you wonderful people help our wonderful community during this horrible time! https://www.facebook.com/note.php?saved&¬e_id=148040715267340%2F
yes we do like to do it big in Texas! Where can we send high value coupons?
Check out caring with coupons on facebook. She is accepting coupons. Even has a list of the ones they need. I sent an envelope full Sat. With 10 pkg of dental floss. It cost me around 3.00! Great way to help!
I live in Fort Smith, AR and here they are collecting donations to bring up to Joplin (Which is only 2 hours away). I started stockpiling a couple months ago and this morning donated about half of what I have collected because you never know when I might need it since I live in tornado alley. They are collecting non-perishable items, feminine products, toothbrushes and toothpaste. Also I had donated 2 of the Operation games with batteries that I had bought a couple months back for CHEAP. I figure that kids will not have any toys so something is better than nothing!!!
Check at “Joplin,MO Tornado Recovery” on Facebook. It has so many info includes what’s going on at there currently and how, what &where to donate. Good site for “live” info.
My sister in law are using our coupon skills to get lots of stuff for the people of Joplin…we live only 3 hours north in KCMO. Check out our blog…we are taking donations to help as well as coupons! Especially baby needs diaper and formula coupons and checks!
I live between Joplin and the City of Reading, KS that was devastated by a tornado this week as well. If you look it up, the city as a whole is in dire need. Please keep them in mind if you are able to help as well.
I live in Odessa, which is close to Kansas City and it is amazing how many people are helping! I will be dropping off water, toiletries from my stockpile, blankets, and clothes tomorrow at the gas station in town because they are loading up a bus and driving down there. The thing they have said on the news that can help decide what to send is, “If you were in that situation, what would you need or want most?”
I live about 40 minutes from Joplin. Bottled water is needed as well as individually wrapped snacks, baby formula, wipes, diapers, pretty much all donations are accepted and very much appreciated! Let me know if I can help you all!
Rhema…is there an address for us out west we can mail something priority to? I have enough stuff to fill a large priority box and they ship for 14.50. Id like to fill it super full and send it. Do you know an address that’s receiving mailed donations?
I have emailed my Chapter Adivsor of our Honor Society if there is anything we can do on our end. My husband and I personally are barely getting by but we are so blessed to still have a roof, our belongings and each other so the least we can do is pray and try to help (even if it isnt much).
Hi all!
Can anybody here help me figure out where to drop off things in Kansas?
Thank you for any and all donations! I live about 30 minutes from Joplin. I know they need any kind of non-perishable food, toiletries of all kinds, baby stuff of all kinds, batteries, flashlights, things of that nature. Its amazing and heartwarming to see how many people are helping!
I would check out Convoy of Hope’s website. I know for the AL tornados there were several churches across the country who were collecting and sending teams out.
Paul, I live in Wisconsin. I work online and have used my online resources in the past to do fundraising for victims in Haiti as well as gathering donations for the less fortunate during Christmas time. I have my personal blog: http://www.hollymann.com that is being updated now to include my love for couponing as well as incorporate my online marketing stuff into it as I have been doing it for years. My heart is breaking for the people in Joplin right now. I don’t have a massively huge stockpile but I would love to donate much of it to the people. I am planning this now – to ask people to send me specific coupons so that I can go with my sister-in-law and gather everything we can. I will be renting a large van and driving south (it’s a 10 hour drive from my home) to deliver the goods. I am working out the logistics now. Once my site is online (should be today) I will post more information about my efforts. I hope we can all work together. I understand it is so hard for people to pay for shipping of the items – so sending coupons will be just fine. Anyway, thank you for your efforts and I will write to you again. Take care.
There are three companys on Facebook that will donate $1 for every like they get- dontations go to tornado relief. Suntrup Hyundai, Suntrup Nissan and Suntrup Kia. It is a great way for everyone to help! Spread the word. I bet there are probly more companys on Facebook getting involved by now. Hear of any?
I just want to say thanks to the couponers and everyone else who is opening their hearts and wallets to the survivors of the Joplin tornado. I consider myself very fortunate, having not lost a family member or my home, but like nearly everyone in this close knit town, I knew someone who perished and even more who lost their home, their vehicles, all of their worldly possessions. One small bright spot is the outpouring of support that we have received. There have been over seven thousand phone calls of people wanting to donate their time, willing to do whatever it is they can do to help. And it is all appreciated. So, I just wanted to say thank you to my couponing family for your kindness and generosity!
Thank you for this post Lisa – and I am so sorry for what you and your neighbors, friends and family are going through. I think about the people in Joplin everyday. I am keeping you in my prayers. I hope things brighten up and the storms do not return…I am so sorry for what you have gone through. Thank you for taking the time to comment on here..I am glad there are people helping and using their resources. I hope to be one of them too.
St. lucie medical center in Port saint lucie, fl is taking items for donation.
My community is only a couple of hours and we are donating as a town! Anyone that wants to send coupons to me to get more items to donate that would be AWESOME!!!
Please e-mail for my address! Jamielearice@gmail.com
We already have a trucking company that has donated a truck and driver to go down to the area!!
I have heard they could use anything!!
where do we take donations to here in the houston area?
nvm.. got the address for the church