Wednesday is the day that I do my 30 minute LIVE I Heart the Mart Radio show. No editing, no scripts and anything Walmart goes! If you have listened then you know that the first two are definitely true! This week I am going to go through the Hottest Price Match Deals for the week. I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours! 😉
I will open up the chat about 20 minutes before the show if you want to get started early! You can join in the show by calling and talking to me live or you we can live chat when you use the link and LOGIN with Facebook! Hopefully I can answer any questions you have or give you some ideas on how to save 40-60% every month off your grocery bill!
Listen Live 10:30 AM Central Time Wednesdays!
The Live Call in number is (323) 580-5731
Wish your radio show was at a time i could listen. That is school hours and teachers are busy, busy, busy at 10:30. I guess i will have to wait until summer break.
You can listen to all of the shows when it works for you. They are all on the right column of the page towards the bottom. I hope that helps!
Thank you. I wasn’t aware of that opportunity.
Oops! I Just realized my tablet didn’t capitalize my I’s like it should have in the first comment. Sorry!