I found these John Frieda Full Repair products at my Walmart. My wife among her multitude of talents was also in a former life a licensed Barber, she says these are great products and I am pretty sure I have seen that bottle next to my Old Spice on the bathroom sink.
John Frieda Full Repair (variety of products) reg price- $5.97
Use $5.00 coupon from 6/5 SS: Total = .97
They also had a bunch of other products at about 4.97 that you could use the $2 off coupon from the same insert.
My Walmart allows us to price match CVS. These are on sale at CVS right now for $5.00. I went to my Walmart last night with the CVS sale paper, price matched them and then used the coupon so they were free! CVS has an ECB deal going on right now with them but my store was out of the shampoos (as usual) which is why I went to Walmart
You can price match these with CVS and get them for free!
Derrrrr you can price match from CVS ad and get them free walmart expert….
Why so sarcastic?
Dunia and I had a little tiff over a comment she left. She is absolutley right though, you can PM these from CVS as other readers have also stated and they will be totally free. Thanks Dunia! Hopefully you feel better now.
can we price match the CVS ad for this?
Some people have had good luck doing it!
CVS has the John Frieda Repair in there ad for $5.00 I took the ad to my walmart and they price matched it!! So shampoo and conditioner for free!! I am a licensed cosmetologist it is great shampoo!
Great shampoo but the full repair foam this SUCKS it makes your hair greasy and stick oily and gross…so i exchanged them for a different john freida product the next day since they were all out of the full repair stuff i got the root awakening shampoos and i love these…they said it was fine since they were 5 bucks also.
I also price matched these at Walmart because CVS was out. I had six coupons but was only allowed to use four coupons, as they are now limiting how many items you can purchase when price matching. Fortunately my husband was with me, so I had him purchase the other two. Funny, they didn’t mention this when I bought ten boxes of Suddenly Salad on Sunday. Meijer had those on sale 1o for $10, so I price matched and used the $.50 off two coupon and paid $.75 for each box. Wish they’d get their stories straight.
I had an issue with the coupons too. The coupon says “limit one coupon per purchase”. I take that to mean one coupon per item that I am purchasing. The cashier took it to mean one coupon per TRANSACTION. (Walmart and I have had this issue before). I told the cashier that was fine and that she could ring them up individually. She went ahead and let me do them all in the same order after that. Am I wrong in thinking that “one coupon per purchase” simply means that you can’t grab four bottles of shampoo and use one coupon and get $5.00 off each bottle?
Melissa, each item you are buying is a purchase so as long as you are not using 2 of the exact same coupons on 1 item it is ok.. My friend and I both use a lot of coupons and had the same problem at Walmart … 3 employees and a manager later the girl that was checking us out finally understood what it meant. lol
I get all the coupon inserts every Sunday, but they hardly ever include the coupons you say on here.
I didn’t get this coupon either…. mine was just $2 off 🙁
Doesn’t that drive you nuts. I get these but sometimes don’t get others. Maybe its better to purchase from someone else or ebay. Possibly find a friend or fellow couponer & have them purchase papers for you & just mail the inserts! These coupons are great!
Are these coupons regional? I checked my inserts and didn’t get this coupon 🙁
These are regional coupons. I don’t get them in my Sunday paper in KS but I get them in inserts I purchased online. (wholecouponinserts.com) It’s great because all the ladies that “coupon” around here aren’t on that level yet…so no competition for products like this. Walked into CVS and picked up 10…no problem.
I tried buying the conditioner today ($5.97). I had my $5 coupon. The cashier said conditioner was NOT a valid product an the coupon would not beep through. 🙁 going to go somewhere else. Anyone else have a problem??