This is a great time of year to check your Walmart for some killer clearance deals. They are getting ready for inventory and that means tons of racks of clearance clothes.
Clearance Racks are a great way to stock up on items for the next year. But be careful a lot of people waste money buying things they will never use. Here are a few rules for shopping clothing clearance racks.
1. Most things are on clearance for a reason. That means no you shouldn’t get your husband the shirt that says “This is my Girl Watching Shirt” or anything remotely that tacky.
2. Be Selective! Take your time going through your clearance racks, you are looking for something you want. You don’t save money if you start thinking “It’s only $3.00!”
3. Think about under garments. When the clothing racks go out there is usually a hidden gem somewhere in the store of clearance socks and underwear, this is the time to do your kids and husband a favor by replacing those 1995 model Fruit of the Looms!
This is always my favorite time at walmart I always by ahead for the next year 🙂 this time I scored my littlest 5 shorts for a buck each, 3 t shirts for a buck each, 2 pants for a buck each, 6 pjs for 3 bucks each, and I am currently waiting for the long sleeve shirts to go to a buck they are 3.50 in clearence right now. I got my DD 5 shorts for a buck each, 1 pants for 3, 1 long sleeve for 3, and a jacket for 3 bucks, got my 2nd t shirts for 3 bucks each, my oldest who is in mens I got him 2 t shirts for 5 bucks each, and 2 shorts for 5 bucks each, I got my self 2 t shirts for 5 bucks and a sweater for a buck I made out great on my clearence trip.
LOL! Thanks for the laugh, Paul! Very funny post! I think it’s so funny because it’s so true! Those $3 t-shirts can make good judgement go right out the window! Months later you come across the clearance t-shirt (that sometimes you\whoever you bought it for have never worn) and wonder….what was I thinking when I bought this?! (answer: it’s only $3) Again, thanks for the laugh!
I am on the look out for Jackets for next year. Also just because you have all girls look in the boys/mens section. My 17 year old likes boys t shirts mostly because of the animals on them and I am a Phineas & Ferb, Spongebob etc. fan. Just be sure and try things on!
Thank you so much for letting us know about this walmart clearance! I didn’t realize it was going on until I read this post! Went there today and found a bunch of bargains! Thanks!!
You are so welcome! Glad I could help.