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I have told you about ING before, and many of you were able to add $50 to your Christmas fund by signing up with ING a few months ago.
ING is offering a new special TODAY that will offer you a $125 bonus for signing up for their Electric Orange account. Plus, you can help your kids and teens start making good financial choices and sign them up as well for their own accounts and they will get $10 each, free, and no minimum deposit required!
This is what to do to get $125:
- Go HERE and click on the ING logo in the upper left of the site
- Just follow the instructions and open an Electric Orange checking account, you need to do this by 11/25.
- In the next 45 days make a total of 10 purchases using your Electric Orange Card or CheckMate deposits.
- On day 50 your $125 bonus will be automatically deposited in your account.
This is what to do to get $10 with a Kids Savings Account:
- Go HERE and click on the ING logo in the upper left of the site
- Just follow the instructions and open an Kids Savings account, you need to do this by 11/25. There is no minimum deposit required!
- After 30 days your $10 bonus will be deposited into your new account and is available for withdrawal after 30 days.
- This offer is only available when YOU open a new account with at least one new customer. If you already have an account you can add the kids so they get the $10.
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