This is a post Tiffany did today that she found. Today in the paper, there was a single page insert with an Iams $3 off coupon in the corner.
There was also a tear pad at my local Walmart for a FREE Bag of dog food with the purchase of a bag!
**Deal Idea**
IAMS Green Bag 4 lbs. – $5.76
Use $3 coupon from Sunday Insert
Submit for MIR
Total: $2.76 for 8lbs of Iams!
Thank you for posting this, but by the time I went to my walmart – some one took all of the requests! UGH. I went to pick up some dog food for my nephews who just got a Golden Retreiver from the shelter.
Do y’all get the Chronicle? I didn’t get that coupon in mine. 🙁 Was it in the insert, or separate in the paper somewhere?
Yes it was in the Chron, it was a separate slick insert.