This is what is coming up for today as far as Thanksgiving deals. I will get the top price match items for the grocery stores up today and tomorrow. LATER today, I will have a printable list with all the staple items that you might typically buy for Thanksgiving up that you can print with coupons.
Since there is so much meat and produce involved, I have some suggestions. My prices are going to be different than yours. The printable list will be mostly ( about 90%) all the canned goods, making items, frozen and cold that you cook with, like, soups, marshmallows, French fried onions etc. Because the prices are going to be close to the same.
For your produce and meat do this:
- Grab all your store ads
- Make a list of what you need to buy ( celery, sweet potatoes, onions etc.)
- Lay all the ads out in front of you
- Compare prices at each store. I just looked at my ads today and all 3 major stores in my area have pretty much the same produce and meat listed. But I can see right away who has the cheapest sweet potatoes/yams (for example)… if you are in Houston, it looks like Randalls.
- Now, make your price match list.

If I can get Tiff to film it later today, I will do a video for you, and see if we can’t get permission to film checking out in the store. Just to show you how easy it is. SAVE SOME MONEY on food this Thanksgiving, try price matching!!! Come back and tell me if you tried it for the first time, O.K.?
** How to price match your meat will be tomorrow!
When you price match an item, can you also use a coupon for that item?
Some do and some don’t …… your mileage may vary on this one. You’ll just have to try it and hopefully it works. I have 2 in my store that have no problem and then a ton that won’t allow it and from what I’ve read alot of people have this problem….. you just have to try it and cross fingers.
According to policy you should have no problems though. Hope this helps.
@ Karen… Yes you can. At least in Dallas, TX I have been doing so since Price Match began and there is no limit. Nowhere in the Price Match Policy does it state that you can’t. So go for it… Happy Shopping…
I’m glad you put this because I am about to attempt my first produce PM with a Kmart ad.. russet potatoes 10 lb for 1 dollar… yep…. we’ll see.. *fingers crossed*
I price match produce all the time.
i done this with the honeysuckle turkeys. wal-mart had them for .98 cents a pound and my bi-lo had them for .59 cents a pound but, that was with a 35.00 purchase. i called and ask my local wal-mart if they would price match since you had to buy 35.00. they said, yeah we will match and you don’t even have to purchase 35.00 worth of food. so, needless to say i got 3 ten pound turkeys for under 20.00 dollars!
Got a kick of out bigpaw and her great turkey deal. 🙂
I love price matching! Just yesterday I was able to get oranges 10/$1 (sale is over today). But, Walmart had EACH orange for $.80!! So, I practically saved $7 on ten oranges!!! They were delicious btw. LOL
I do it the same way you do. But, while she is scanning the regular, non-PM items, I hand her some of my PM items, to make the process go a little faster. I’ve come to realize that employees (and customers behind you) really appreciate it when you have everything organized.
Paul, the HEB ad today has Oscar Myer deli meat 9 oz for $1. Then underneath it said “with in store coupon” so I tried to pm it at Walmart. At first lady said no because the pic showed the deli shaved meat. The writing said Oscar Myer deli meat 9 oz. So then I asked for store manager. The CS head cashier came and said mo because it said “with in store coupon”. Well bottom line the store manager said go ahead. I asked of he’s just doing it for customer satisfaction or am I right in pm. She didn’t know. I said I’d have like to known because if I’m doing something wrong, I won’t do it. Help? Can I price match as long ad price is there even when it says “with in store coupon”? I tried reading pm policy. Didn’t c it in there.
Jenny you should be able to because they match competitor coupons that state a specific price. The hard part is sometimes they word it that way even when its a manufacturer coupon. There is really no way to know unless you go to the store advertising the deal and well, that defeats the purpose of price matching.
I said that “you take competitors coupons and if your saying I need coupon I’ll just buy there” thanks for quick response! You and Tiffany are my fav’s!
Just trying to clarify – I can price match to Albertson’s .31 a pound turkey with a $50 purchase? I’d love to do that at Walmart since it would be hard for me to spend $50 at Albertsons. I do all my grocery shopping at Walmart.
hey paul, my niece and i went to are local wal-mart tonight we always go on wednesday to do all are couponing i purchased the tide packets and the breathe right strips and used the overage to pay for my turkey, we priced match from about 7 local stores had a cart full thank god are cashier coupons too, she turns her light off so we dont have to be rushed. needless to say i purchased 200.00 worth of items for 66.00.
So,,, question… IF my store actually price matched, how would the produce price matching work?
What I mean is: The price match policy states that it has to be the same size/brand/etc as in the ad being matched. So, if Kroger had lets say 1# celary advertised at $0.79 but doesn’t state what brand that celary is,,, will Walmart price match their 1# celary for the same price (whatever brand they carry)?
I know alot of us don’t pay attention at what brand our produce is,, but truthfully most carrots and celary DO have a brand name on their bags!
I think the cheapest I’ve seen around here have been:
Pineapples $1.79
Cranberries $0.99 (12oz)
Russets $1.79 (10lb so 0.17/lb)
Celary $0.59
Sweet Potatoes $0.19/lb
Organic Fresh Herbs $1.50
I can only speak from experience not from policy but as far as buying produce without a brand-i always do. For example kmart has a 10lb bag of russett potatoes on sale for .99¢ and I pm it no problem.
i went to our local wal-mart and priced matched sweet potatoes, which was .38 a pound i had no problem
Did a price match trip for the first time last week…with all 3 of my little kids. Needless to say it took 3 hours, but I saved soooooo much money. I definitely had to work for it though. Thanks so much for your great site. I love it!