If you follow Mylitter and I Heart the Mart on Facebook you might have seen the post of our little Daredevil and his crash that scraped up his face and wrists on Easter. This is not the first crash and won’t be the last but this is the first time we used Lavender Essential Oils on his face to heal it. Lavender is a very gentle oil and is even great on sensitive skin. We applied the lavender to his face and he immediately noticed the pain was gone and it scabbed up a lot faster than normal. We heard that Lavender stopped bleeding and helped with scraps and cuts but didn’t think of how fast the healing process was going to be. Now that it has been a few days the scab is now flaking off and you can see underneath the scab the skin is healing.
We didn’t add any oils to his wrist to see if we could actually tell a difference. I mean really, it’s lavender it sounds pretty strange. If you look at the picture above you will see that his hand scabbed up as well but he has lots of pink area around it, it’s more sensitive. You can just tell that it’s not as far along in the healing process as his face that we used Lavender Essential Oils with.
I have been a real skeptic but the more and more we actually use these essential oils it is amazing how much they are helping our family. Another great thing about these oils are they help with many different things. Lavender has so many uses like:
- Cuts & Scrapes
- Calming
- Eczema
- Sunburns
- Detox Baths
- Cleaner
- Motion Sickness
- Cold Sores
- Headaches and so much more
We think every house needs to have Lavender Essential Oils in it. If you have been looking into Essential Oils now is a great time to sign up with a Young Living wholesale account. Let’s think about it, you can always pay retail for this product but WHY? We all coupon and try to save the most money and this is no exception.
Right off the bat you get
- 11 oils that you will find yourself using every single day,
- a diffuser,
- roller ball,
- samples,
- company information and a
- 24% discount on future orders with no obligation to purchase anything. You don’t have to sell it unless you want to earn some extra money.
Plus I will give you:
- the Quick Reference guide with 400+ pg,
- Essential Oil Starter Guide,
- Essential Oils Bottle Top Stickers,
- Essential Oils travel kit, and
- Access to e-books, e-courses, Facebook support Groups and MORE!!
That is an additional $30 in freebies and you are helping your family. This Premium Starter Kit is valued at $300 but you can get everything you see below for only $150! If you are skeptic like we were, I totally understand, seeing is believing, I just wish we didn’t wait and had these products a couple years ago.
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