HURRY to get this coupon for a B1G1 Klondike Gourmet Potatoes on a 24 oz. bag!!!!! You will have to register to get it. They will send you a verification email before you can print it out. This is one of those coupons you don’t want to miss out on!
UPDATE: Many of you seem to be having trouble getting this coupon. I just tried it. Went through the registration & confirmation email. I did have to refresh the page a couple of times but was able to get to the coupon after that. This is a popular coupon and the website is I’m sure having lots of traffic. Try refreshing the page and see if that helps you.
I followed your linkand their procees. Upon receiving the email comfirmation, I clicked as directed. 404 pagoda site not found came up. Each time I have attempted to go on since I get the same message. I really want this coupon! Anybody else have this happen to them? Any suggestion?
Yes-It happened to me too. They got all of my info-but no coupon. 🙁
That link did the same for me. Try this one….
Refreshed 3 times then it printed…….. Thanks!
I was finally able to print…there’s no mailing address on the coupon! Does that mean Wal-Mart won’t accept it?
I was wondering the same thing.
I clicked on where it says “click here to get your coupon” and it takes me a page that says “oops, this link is broken!”
I live in Houston/Cypress TX. Do you know where I can find these??
We’re in Tampa, FL and I can’t find them 🙁
I’m in panama city – not sure if they are at my walmart
I live in MD , didnt see them at Walmart here, bummer
How many coupons can you print?
Yes it happened to me as well. As soon as I pressed the get cupon button it directed me to a “bad gateway” message. Weird!
not sure, I tried it and it worked for me.
I bought these a few weeks ago at the troutdale Oregon walmart and they were 3.67 for a 24 oz bag.
I found the yellow potatoes at my walmart.. but no red ones. and the bag is the mesh type, not plastic like the pic shows. its small and way too cute! 🙂 the sign said they were $1.98 a bag.. they rang up at $2.77 a bag. but i got the lower price.
they did not have these in my military commissary, which is where I looked first.