Check your papers for $4.00 off any Zyrtec Product. The 5 ct. is only $5.27 at Walmart everyday! That means that you can pick up some Zyrtec for only $1.27 which should come in really handy since allergy season is in full swing!
Zyrtec 5 ct: $5.27
Zyrtec Save $4.00/1 Product 5/20/12 SS
Total: $1.27
There is also a $7.00 off a 24 ct or Larger coupon that is good for 1 week only. The 30 ct is $18.12 at Walmart!
Price match this from Family Dollar this week, onlt $4.50 so it would be .50!
That’s what i did! I had 8($4 off any zyrtec) and priced matched family dollars ad.