For everyone who wanted the Amazon deal on the Norelco, you can score a SWEET deal at which will get you a $30 e-gift card!!!
The SensoTouch GyroFlex 2D is on sale for $79.97 on You can use the $30 Upgrade Your Shave Promo MIR and get $30 back. This does not interfere with any kind of coupon because you are not using one, but you are getting $30 E-Giftcard from Walmart. Thanks, The Frugal Pinoy.
Print the $30 off MIR located HERE this is part of the Upgrade Your Shave promotion.
This is how to get the Razor:
- Click HERE to go to
- In the Search, type “Norelco egiftcard” and it will pull it up three deals
- Choose your shipping option, either free site to store OR free to your home
- Print the $30 MIR HERE and send it in when you get your razor
Norelco SensoTouch GyroFlex 2D Razor: $79.97
Get a $30 E-Gift Card from (online use only)
Print and Complete $30 MIR
Final Cost: 19.97 (Originally 98.88) 80% off
Hey Paul-
Are you 100% sure this will work with the rebate? I just want to make sure before I order! THanks!!!
yes because no coupons show up on your receipt
Thanks for another great deal Paul! I love this site! Keep up the great work- I appreciate it!
Paul: First I ordered this through Amazon but cancelled it when you said I wouldn’t be able to use the rebate due to using the coupon. I’ve now ordered it through Walmart. I haven’t done a e gift card with them before so I’m wondering: 1) They send it to my email address and I’ll be able to somehow use it? 2) I don’t really use it on the razor but on a future order that is online? I’ll be checking back for you answers. My husband would love getting this razor for Christmas so I’m hoping it all works out after so much effort. Thanks for all your instructions and HARD work to share this deal w/ us. 🙂
The e-gift card is for a future purchase online. I actually think that after talking with norelco you may be abe to use the rebate on the amazon purchase. Check your receipt from amazon and see if the coupon shows up. it may be worth looking into to see if you can still get the amazon deal.
Ok either delete or ignore what I said about shopathome and ebate. I just called Norelco and they said that it would not work. As well as the Walmart ecard will not work also.
I am missing what the big deal is about. The MIR doesn’t say anything about “not to be used with….” or “no MIR if you use a coupon”.
Just saw the “May not combine” statement. Ooops. Anyone have a coupon for glasses? =-)
I just got off the phone with Norelco because I had more questions about this deal…. Basicly what walmart is doing is offering that $30 rebate as an instant rebate. Don’t do it expecting both because it will not be granted. The lady i talked to had send out my senario (the one above) to her whole team. It was still questionable so she then sent it to the person in charge of setting up the rebates with the rebate company.
Is anyone else having a hard time pulling up the rebate? It gets to 3.23 MB out of 3.25 MB and stops. Any thoughts? I want to have it printed and read before I check out at
So do I print off a receipt or will one be sent to me with the product? Never done it this way before. Really hoping the rebate works with this!
Print off your paid receipt from
Paul: I was hoping on some follow up concerning the rebate for this razor. Mine is on the way from Walmart but if I’m not eligible for the rebate I’d rather return it to my local store for the refund. If I need to do this, how will things work out about the ecard from Walmart? Is the message that Michelle posted on the 21st accurate? Thanks for any advice you can offer. 🙂