It is starting to look like LeapPad is going to be the HOT item of the season! The TRU bundle sold out this morning with long lines and they didn’t have enough online.
At on line you can get a LeapFrog LeapPad bundle with your choice of game for $123 shipped FREE!
Go HERE and type “leap frog Leap pad” in the search to find it fast!
Amazon does not have any bundles, and the Pad by itself is $105.
It is listed as 143.94 online. What am I doing wrong?
Yep $143 for me as well. Toys R Us has the bundle (pad, game and a $20 app card) for $99 on Black Friday. That’s an awesome deal!!
Where did you see the TRU black Friday ad???? Anywhere online?
I bought my Leap Pad bundle at ToysRus for $99 the last Sunday of October when it was first advertised in their Toy Book they put out for this year. The bundle only comes in green and they only get a limited amount in stock. When we picked up one we had to ask management because they don’t put the bundles on the shelves. This wasn’t a Black Friday deal. Check your local ToysRus if your interested in getting one in a bundle. Just remember, just ask management before you go searching and don’t see it on the shelves. More and likely its locked up because it’s an hot item. Hope this helps clear up some confusion.
I stopped into the local Toys R Us on Saturday and saw they were out of the bundle of the Leap Pad, asked about it and was informed the stores will not be getting any more shipments of them but to check Walmart or Target as they have seen them there. Well, stopped into both and they only had the tablet for the $99, I was looking for the bundle, much better deal. Oh well, if Leap Frog and Toys R Us can’t keep them in stock they lose out on my sale, I’ll find something else to get my kids for Christmas…I can get a bunch of other things they would love and have asked for at the price of just this one item afterall.