Print the $3 off Hormel Party Tray coupon!!!! The smaller trays are only $5 at my store and with the $3 coupon you can snag it for only $2. The best part is that is like a large lunchable, I split it up and feed a few kids for lunch with this thing!
Hormel Party Tray $4.98
Use $3 off any Hormel party tray
Total: $1.98
** Let me know if it prints off something other than what it says on the site, I am not where I can print it to check!
It just says ‘any one Hormel Party Tray product’, so that means cheap party tray! Thanks Paul! 🙂
The “Snack Tray” is NOT the same thing as the “Party” tray and this will only cause more problems for couponers.
Misty, I called Hormel this morning to make sure and they said yes it is. They also told me to direct anyone to this page to see what is considered a party tray.
Thanks for the info. I’ll print this page and bring with me just in case.
Couldn’t get link to open, says error
The coupon says party tray that cost $10.00 the snack trays cost $%.oo . Can I still use it for the snack tray? Will it cause problems at the registar?
Sorry !! the price for the snack tray is $5.00. Correction from before.
The coupon I printed states good on any one(1) Hormel Party Tray Product.
thank you we are going on a trip the day after thanksgiving and these would be perfect to take with us to keep in the fridge in the hotel! thank you so much Paul!!!
Thanks Paul 🙂 I have a very picky eater and lunchables is one of the favorites. This makes for a much better value for us.
I live in Sarasota, Fl our prices are $5.98. I tried to buy the snack tray and because it wasn’t a “party” tray, they wouldn’t take my coupon 🙁
What zip code?????????
I can’t find the coupon.
Yeah, I cant find it, I think its gone 🙁 Thank you anyways, maybe next time I can catch one 🙂
I just printed one 34655. I wait until a grocery store has these on sale!
Went to Wal-mart last night to use the awesome $3/1 hormel party tray coupon that was released on a few days ago.All was going great 8 of the 9 went through fine. Once the 9th was scanned it asked for a CSM. Needless to say there was a wait for the CSM to come over and once she did she refused the coupons saying that they aren’t valid coupons and that they are fake. She said that someone uploaded them and that they won’t get their money back if she accepts them.
Of course I didn’t argue it. They reversed the coupons and handed them back to me.. and I handed them back the hormel party trays and asked they removed them from my order. It was too late and I didn’t think I was going to get anywhere with the CSM. It was just easier to walk away from that deal than to deal with the hassle of it..
Now , I know these came off of I know each of my coupons has a valid code and is valid.
(before anyone asks- yes all are valid , I can print 2 from each of my 2 computers, 2 from app on my iphone, 2 from the app on my HP printer, and also 2 from my hubby’s phone using the app)
I am wondering if anyone else has heard this or had any problems using these coupons or if maybe- just maybe- the CSM didn’t want to do an override.
I’ve had an android phone since June. I wasn’t aware there was an app that would allow me to print coupons. Hmmm……..I just downloaded the coupons and emailed them to myself. It shows up on my computer as print limit reached…….how do I get to print them?