Don’t miss this high value Snikiddy Printable coupon. These are being found for $2.50-$3 at various stores, I would imagine that Walmart could be in the same ballpark. So you should be able to pick these up for under a dollar a bag easy.
$2/1 Snikiddy Snack 40z or larger
Thanks Hip2Save
Monika says
Coupon period has ended.
christina says
Thank you for sharing this one Paul but I’m getting the message it is over too. So sad. We love Snikkidy at our house.
christina says
***update*** Okay, if you are a still looking for a pretty good coupon, go to Snikiddy’s Facebook page, ‘Like’ them, then click on the ‘coupon’ tab on the left. A form will pop up to complete but once you submit you can get a $1.00 off 4 oz or larger of Snikiddy, any variety!
stacy says
walmart carries snikiddy???