If you are lucky enough to get the high value $5/1 Hydroxycut, exp. 5/3 (SS 2/2/14) coupon, you can bring home a 4pk of shakes and an extra dollar in your pocket. It looks like this is a National coupon, so almost everyone should get it!!
Hydroxycut Chocolate Lean Protein Shakes, 4pk: $3.98
$5/1 Hydroxycut, exp. 5/3 (SS 2/2/14)
Total: FREE + $1.02 Money Maker
the 4 pack is like $8.99 here, ft worth,tx, however there is a product for $3.98
The pro clinical 60ct are $19 right now..
I follow site and I just had a run in with Walmart saying they will not honor this coupon for hydroxy cut for the drinks or the bars because they are not pictured on the coupon. The coupon rings up just fine. Did you happen to contact Hydroxy cut to find out if they would accept this coupon from walmart.
thanks Lisa
yes, they accept it. It is just your store and they are absolutely supposed to scan the coupon. The picture is not what is relevant, the wording is.
My coupon says excluding the hydroxycut lean protein bars & shakes, so I won’t be able to use the save S5 coupon??
This is not the same coupon, you have the second one that they put out. thanks for the heads up.