Starting next week Kroger is going to have a Buy 5 Save $5 Mega Event for back to school at Kroger and Kroger Affiliates! If you want to see the full list you can go HERE and take a look!
If you are new at a Mega Event and want to watch Tiffany’s FREE 30 minute “How to Shop a Kroger Mega Event” class, you can watch the one I just made a few weeks ago below!
If you are on Mobil you can go HERE to see the video.
This mega event is a Buy 5 get $5 off. Because you have to buy 5 items to get the $5, you need to keep track of how many items you have in your cart. If you check out with 19 items in the mega event you only get $15 off, not the $20 you should have.
This is an older sale ad below, it was a Buy 10 get $5, so NOT the same exact sale… BUT THE SAME CONCEPT!
This is the front page of the ad. It will explain what items are on sale ( although there are a TON more in the store unadvertised) and tell you what your final price will be AFTER the mega event $$ came off at the end.
When you are in the store, make sure to look for the blue and yellow tags and signs letting you know that this particular item is a mega event item. The first price is the price you will pay if you don’t buy 10 mega event items. The lower price is the price you will pay (before coupons) IF you buy 10 mega event items.
I separate the items in my cart by non- mega event items and mega event items so that I can keep track of how many I have. This trip I had 30. I also double count them when I am checking out.
You can check out the upcoming sale HERE.
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